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How does a Proactive speak and behave.

Published on Sep 15, 2016

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By Sebastian Cespedes.

What does it take to be proactive and how can it lead to success?
Photo by KelseyFaust

Proactive language and Behavior.

  • Language,Speaks nicely to other people.
  • Behavior,Behave mature and nicely.
Photo by bayucca

Examples and Non-Examples.

  • Proactive, Responsible,Respectful,Kindness.
  • Reactive,It wasn't my fault,I can't,That's the way I am
Photo by adels


Washing your teeth.


Biting your nails.

What is Victimitis Virus?

  • Victimitis Virus make people Reactive.
  • It stops them by being worried, mad,sad and other things.
  • By being Proactive
Photo by NKOFOTO

Why should we focus on the Circle of Control?

  • The circle of control is what can you do about it.
  • It helps us focus on what we are doing.
  • I got it from haikudeck.
Photo by danielito311

How do the four human tool helps us make good decisions?

  • self-awareness-I can stand apart from myself and observe my thoughts and actions.
  • Consience- I can listen to my inner voice to know right from wrong
  • Imagination-I can envision new possibilities.
  • Willpower-I have the power to choose.

The four human tools helps us make good decisions by being more proactive and it will helps make good decisions because we have the power to choose what we are gonna do and imagine a lot of things.

Photo by hercios


He is using willpower because he is talking about what to choose.
Photo by 02420


It help him by having fun because he is thinking he is talking to the toy.
Photo by jacové


He is scare to jump so he is thinking to do it or not.
Photo by augustjmiller


He is listen to his inner voice to choose what to do.

How can being Proactive affect my life?

  • It can affect you by change who you are.
  • It can affect your academic life by studying more and being responsible for your homework.

He is being responsible by doing his homework,
he is using pro-activity
so that's what help him success.-Got it from Haiku Deck.

Photo by 消化餅