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Through this research project, I will be looking at love's effects on a person's perspective or attitude. Love is a powerful emotion and can control a person's actions or words. Because it is such a powerful emotion, I am looking into how it will affect people in certain situations.
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How Does Love Affect One's Perspective

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Through this research project, I will be looking at love's effects on a person's perspective or attitude. Love is a powerful emotion and can control a person's actions or words. Because it is such a powerful emotion, I am looking into how it will affect people in certain situations.

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Love is a very psychological emotion. It is built into our natural reactions to love someone. Katharine Partridge writes, "It is hard wired into the lives that humans need to find some to love, fall in love with them, and then show that love by loving one another and children in the future." Humans are made to find love in this world. That is why people do crazy things for love because they are searching for that love that they are made for.

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Love can also be seen through a religious perspective. Many religions focus on love being the center of their beliefs. Christian believe that you need to love God and your neighbor as Jesus states in Matthew 22. Paul writes a lot about love through his letters to the different churches. Love is an integral part of religions and this love shapes their beliefs and what they will do.
Photo by kevin dooley

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In "The Importamce of Being Earnest", Oscar Wilde points out the effects of love. Earnest and Algernon both love two women and they change their whole personality for that woman. They take on a dual personality because they want the love of the girl. Wilde uses their love to show what it can do to a person that is affected by its grasp.
Photo by Cayusa

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People we drawn to love one another for many reasons. Whatever the reason, all are affected by love. People will do crazy things for love but that is all part of life. Life makes us look for and find love in this world. People are affected by love in different ways based on what they believe or what they feel. Love is a crazy emotion that affects people actions as well as their minds.
Photo by swanky