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how geography affected the 13 colonies?

Published on Nov 18, 2015

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how geography affected the 13 colonies?

Ashley Gravett 6th period

geography / climate of new england colonies

  • had a cold climate
  • cold winters and mild summers
  • land was flat close to the coastline
  • it then bacame hilly closer inland
  • had rocky soil
Photo by blmiers2

results of climate in new england colonies

  • the cold helps prevent the spread of diseases 
  • the jobs were fishing, whaling, and shipbuilding
  • couldnt farm crops because of the rocky soil
Photo by Gulfu

geography/climate of middle colonies

  • hot humid summers 
  • mild winters
  • rich soil
  • a mixture of new england and southern climate

results of climate in middle colonies

  • farmed many crops 
  • had some of the same jobs as new england colonies 
  • but also had some of the same jobs as middle colonies
Photo by Adam Arthur

geography/climate of the southern colonies

  • warm climate 
  • had hot summers and mild winters
  • rich soil
  • mountainous western regions

results of climate in southern colonies

  • had great farming because of rich soil
  • hot climate lead to diseases 
  • diseases such as milaria and yellow fever
Photo by DMahendra