How to Beat Burnout

Published on May 19, 2020

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How to Beat Burnout

For Yourself, Your Family, and Your Team

Poll #1

Goals for Today

  • Distinguish between "burned out" and "worn out."
  • Recognize how burnout shows up.
  • Create an action plan for your response to burnout.
Since we only have one hour together, we are going to keep things pretty simple.

First, we will help you see the difference between "burned out" and "worn out."

Second, we will help you recognize burn out when it shows up.

Third, we will conclude with a personal action plan to help you proactively beat it.

1. Burned Out vs. Worn Out

Illustration - Car Engine without oil vs. Car Engine without gasoline.

The Difference:

  • "Worn out" is when you run out of fuel and stop.
  • "Burned out" is when you keep running and break yourself.
That "breaking" is what we want to prevent today. There is some interesting overlap between burnout and depression. And we know that in its most extreme forms, burnout leads to self-destructive practices like self-medicating and even cases of suicide.

Let's check in.

Before we move on, I want to check in on goal number one. Does anyone have more questions about this basic distinction between burnout and worn out?
Photo by Tim Bish

2. How to Recognize Burnout

Great! Let's move on to goal number two - recognizing burnout.

Burnout Has Three Dimensions

  • Emotional Exhausion
  • Depersonaization
  • Lack of Personal Accomplishment (Ineffectiveness)
Burnout is comprised of three dimensions that we will explain in just a bit.

The key point here is that burnout is not an "on" or "off" situation.

One can experience various ranges of all three of these dimensions. So in some cases, just because you feel "ineffective" or "exhausted" does not mean you are burned out. It's when all three of these dimensions are present in a high degree that we have burnout.

That's why we want to recognize these three dimensions in our lives before they get out of control.

Emotional Exhaustion

The first dimension is emotional exhaustion. It is often the first of the three dimensions to "show up." When it is present in a high degree, we start to see a lot of the other two.

Think about being so tired that you are numb and feel like you can't go on. Think about being so tired that when you return from a vacation that you are just as tired as you were at the beginning. That's a sign that you are creeping into emotional exhaustion.
Photo by Soon.

"Emotional Exhaustion"

  • Chronic fatigue from chronic stress
  • Can feel like helplessness


Depersonalization is all about disconnect. It's about withdrawing from interpersonal relationships (and is not to be confused with introversion).


  • Disconnecting from people/purpose
  • Being cynical


Photo by Lukas Hauser

"Lack of Personal Accomplishment"

  • Feeling ineffective and lacking control

Poll #2

POLL #2. Which of the three dimensions of burnout have you experienced most in the last month?

-Emotional Exhaustion

Let's check in.

Before we move to goal number three. Let's check in on goal number two.

What else do you need to feel like you can recognize burnout as it starts to show up?
Photo by Tim Bish

"Self care is not selfish."

This is about you, your family, and your team.
OK, now we will move into creating an action plan to help you proactively deal with these dimensions.

Before we do that, we need to check some assumptions. For a lot of people - especially for me - the idea of "self-care" can seem indulgent or even selfish.

However, for those of us who lead organizations or businesses, the self care is needed because others depend on how well we work.

If we do mantainence for our cars, why would we not do it for ourselves.

So, repeat after me: Self care is not selfish.

Suggestions for Emotional Exhaustion

  • Start with sleep, nutrition, exercise.
  • Make space for something that gives you energy.

More Suggestions for Emotional Exhaustion

  • Rest and refresh.
  • Avoid "numbing."

Suggestions for Depersonalization

  • Create "designed alliances."
  • Choose "comedy."

Suggestions for Ineffectiveness

  • Create a designed alliance.
  • Recognize both "actions" and "results."


Time for a plan!

Let's check in.

All right. Time to check in on goal number three. What else do you need so that you have an initial action plan for the days ahead?
Photo by Tim Bish

For More Resources