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How To Become A Reuse Hero

Published on Nov 21, 2015

Donating items is a threefold gift and an easy way to do something good!


How To Become A Reuse Hero

Photo by hilighters

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If you had the opportunity to do something good to help animals, children, teachers or other individuals would you take it?

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By donating items that you don't want you can help!
Photo by HowardLake

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Donating items is a threefold gift.
Photo by Leo Reynolds

Reduce, Reuse, and Recycle

Join the Cycle
1st Gift--Environmental Impact

Reduce, reuse, and recycle is listed in the order of least environmental impact. Why reuse before recycle? It takes more resources to recycle an item than it does to reuse it.

By donating items you are joining the cycle and giving your donation a new life through reuse.

Your Donation Saves Money

2nd Gift--Money for the Organization of Your Choice

Whatever organization you chose to donate your items to will see either reduced operating costs (use your item in the course of their business) or new income through the item's sale (think thrift stores).
Photo by Nrbelex

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3rd Gift--Benefits a Person or Animal

If the organization you gave your donation to saves money, then it has more money to spend in helping others. Or if your item has been sold, then whoever bought it is now happy because they have just what they wanted!
Photo by RuffLife

Hero Example

Let's say you have an old lap blanket that you no longer need. You could give it to many organizations (thrift stores, homeless shelters, etc.), but you decide to give it directly to the animal shelter.

The animal shelter reuses the blanket spreading it out for Choco the lab to lay on in his kennel until he gets adopted.

Choco is happy that he has a nice blanket to lay on and the animal shelter saved money, since they did not have to go and buy a blanket. The extra savings helps them assist even more animals...and all because you chose to donate.

You are now a Reuse Hero.

It is Your Story Now

Photo by Werner Kunz

Do you want to be a reuse villain or a hero?

An unwanted item can go to the landfill. :-(

Or you can do something good and become a hero. By donating your item you give a threefold gift to the environment, charity of your choice, and to an individual. Please become a reuse hero!! :-)

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For more information see http://reusephoenix.weebly.com/.