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Clarify priorities, Increase Engagement & WIN!

Based on 4DX - The 4 Disciplines of Execution by Authors: Jim Huling, Sean Covey, Chris McChesney
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Published on Nov 18, 2015

The 4 Disciplines of Teams That Win! (4DX)



Clarify Priorities, Increase Engagement & WIN! by Neeraj Shah

Clarify priorities, Increase Engagement & WIN!

Based on 4DX - The 4 Disciplines of Execution by Authors: Jim Huling, Sean Covey, Chris McChesney


Which Do Leaders Struggle With?
Business schools focus on Strategy, but the thing leaders struggle with is EXECUTION.

Ram Charan - 70% of strategic initiatives fail becuase of poor execution.
Photo by chrisgj6

Why Is Execution Difficult?

So lets look at why Execution is difficult?


Daily Activities - The WORK
Execution is difficult because there is a battle beween the URGENT vs IMPORTANT things.

Let's look at these in more detail:

This is the daily work - operations, support, sales etc.

Urgent Things Drive Us.


The Goals - Where We Want to Go
This is different from our Goals - Where we want to be. This is What We Drive.


Urgency always wins over important things
Unfortunately we are busy being busy.

Urgent work always wins over important, unless ...

The Key to Execution

Get Important Things Done Weekly
We develop some key disciplines to help us execute.

There are 4 tried and tested disciplines to great execution.

The Key to Execution

  • Focus On The Wildly Important Goal (WIG)
  • Act On The Lead Measure (IPA)
  • Create A Compelling Score Board
  • Cadence of Accountability

1. Focus On W.I.G.

Align All Teams to That ONE Goal
The right question to ask to find the correct area to focus on is:

In determining your Power of ONE, don't ask “What's most important?” Instead, begin by asking “If every other area of our operation remained at its current level of perfor- mance, what is the one area where change would have the greatest impact?”
Photo by alh1

Learn to Say NO

There are always more good ideas than capacity to EXECUTE
While good companies and teams are good at saying no to bad ideas they lack the discipline to say "No" to good ideas.

There are always more good ideas than capacity to EXECUTE.


Achieve Goals With Excellence
Do Less finish more - Robert Plank.

Focus on one to two things in the next 60-90 days and execute them with EXCELLENCE!

Do the Basics Brilliantly!

The Enemy of Great is Good

Jim Collins
Jim Collins says the enemy of GREAT is Good!

2. Act on the Lead Measure

Focus on the IPA
Focus on the Income Producing Activities (IPAs).

Lag vs Lead

Lead measures are predictive & Influencable
Lag Measure is the end result.

Lead measures are activities that we can influence and predict how the lag measure will move.

Let's look at an example of Weight Loss...


E.g. Weight
The Lag measure is the weight you want to be.

That's easy to measure - Just get on the scales and you have the answer in 2 seconds.

But not much happens when you focus on the lag measure, instead you need to focus on ...
Photo by johncarney


Diet # of Calories, Exercise - Miles Run
The lead measure tends to be more difficult to measure.

In this example of weight loss 2 lead measures can be used:

1. Your Diet - # of calories consumed.
2. The amount of exercise e.g. miles run

Activity on the lead measure will have a positive impact on your lag measure.
Photo by Alain Limoges

3. Create a Compelling Score Board

Teams are most engaged when they feel they are winning
Once you have the lag & lead measures then make a compelling score board.

Employees and team members feel most engaged when they feel that they are winning.
Photo by Jeff Kubina

Rules For A Compelling Score Board

  • Simple
  • Visible
  • Have Lead & Lag Measure
  • Immediately Tell If Winning
Follow these 4 rules when setting up a compelling score board.

1. Make it simple
2. Make it visible
3. Have the lead & Lag measure
4. Immediately tell if you are winning


This was the scoreboard in the BNI India Office which we updated daily. On the right were the lead indicators about how many new cheques were collected for each new chapter under formation.

On the left was the existing chapters and renewals per chapter.

In the middle we had the Lag indicators - # of Members & average chapter size.

4. Weekly Accountability Meeting

20 Minutes
finally discipline 4 brings the first 3 together. Have a 20 minute weekly accountability meeting.

Meeting Agenda

  • Report on Last Weeks Commitment
  • Review & Update Score Board
  • Make Commitments for next week
Everyone prepares with these three agenda points.

They are ready with what 2-3 things they are going to do to move the lead measure.

The leader starts first.

1. Account: Report on commitments. “I committed to make a personal call to three customers who gave us lower scores. I did, and here's what I learned ...”

2. Review the scoreboard: Learn from successes and failures. “Our lag measure is green, but we've got a challenge with one of our lead measures that just fell to yellow. Here's what happened ...”

3. Plan: Clear the path and make new commitments. “I'll meet with Bob on our numbers and come back next week with at least three ideas for helping us improve.”

Lag - 3 CRORES

For example one of your goals this quarter is to generate 3 crores of new revenue. This is the Lag measure.

Lead - IPAs

# Qualified New Prospects, # Existing Clients Called, # of
The lead measures that can impact the business generation are:

1. # of Qualified New Prospects that you have contacted

2. # of existing customers you have met or called today

3. # of people on your database or social media channels.

Having a weekly score board of these 3 measures and focussing activities to move these 3 will start to move the lag indicator in time.

How Teams Win

  • Focus On The Power of ONE Or Wildy Important Goal (WIG)
  • Act On The Lead Measure (IPA)
  • Create A Compelling Score Board
  • Cadence of Accountability
Follow these 4 disicplines of Execution and you will have

1. More clarity
2. High Team Engagement
3. You will achieve your Wildly Important Goals

For more information on this please read:

"The Four Disciplines of Execution" by Chris McChesney, Sean Covey & Jim Hulling

For more exciting content on entrepreneurship visit www.neerajshah.me

Visit www.neerajshah.me