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How to Make Effective Notecards

Published on Nov 20, 2015

A Presentation for GSLAC NYLT Staff



with OPAL and PETS
Photo by James Callan

NoteCard Anatomy

  • Before you can use them, know how they work!
  • What do you think?
Notecard Anatomy:

Name on every title page
Keep it complete: You aren't going to remember everything!
Photo by hellodyee

these are tools

  • Use them to rock presentations
  • Keep it simple, yet effective
Your note cards need to be neat and usable. Must be able to give good presentations with them
Photo by geishaboy500

Detailed analysis

let's dive into details

Must Haves: OPAL

  • O- Organization 
  • P- Personalization
  • A- Awesome!
  • L- Legible

Keep it consistent! An organized note card makes an organized presentation! Life is always better organized


Keep your notecards personal. Keep it interesting becuase no one likes to feel like their being lectured at. Add personal details and stories. Think about how you have used these lessons and different ways you've incorporated them


Make sure your notecards are awesome. You should be able to give the presentation without the slides. Your awesome note cards will make that possible.


An unreadable notecard is unusable. Take the time to write clearly. Rushed note cards look dirty

Follow OPAL and your presentations will shine like a gem!

More must haves!

  • No cool acronym for these :(
  • Bullet pointed
  • Condensed 
Bullet pointed:

Paragraphs and boring and hard to read. No one likes them. Except English teachers


Don't leave anything out, but don't take up tons of space with unnecessary information.

Photo by jenny downing

Things to do with Blank lines #PETS

  • Personalize!
  • Emphasize!
  • Transitional-ize!
  • But don't Summarize!

Use your own examples, with life, NYLT, Troop, Whatever!


Write down the points that you want to emphasize in your presentation! This will help during the presentation because you will know what parts to talk more about


Find the golden thread that connects each slide in the presentation. make an easy move between slides so that you don't seem spontaneous and unorganized.

No Summarize:

Keep in mind that the note card is already the material but summarized. So don't summarize the already summarized information.

Photo by ryand1975

How to Present

for dummies, and NYLT staff

Be Cool, honeybunny

  • Elaborate
  • Have swag fo dayz
  • Neutral Position 
  • Package effectively

YOU know the information. The note cards just remind you of what order to say it in! For every printed sentence on the note cards, you should have several more coming out of your mouth


When technology fails, the show must go on! be prepared to roll with anything and have the swag to keep it awesome.

Neutral Position:

Your posture is important. we all remember how cool those guys were in Communicating well, so be like them!


make it easy for them to get your message. Speak with confidence. Don't Shout! Just project!

Tech Support

  • Returning staff are always here to help
Photo by reallyboring

The End