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How To Moderate A Diversity & Inclusion Discussion Panel

Published on Oct 01, 2022

The topic of diversity and inclusion is a critical one that many organizations are addressing at their corporate events. Due to the sensitive nature of this topic, many companies are organizing discussion panels and bringing in DEI speakers to educate their staff on how to manage these issues within their organization. So if you plan on integrating DEI policies, then you might want to consider hiring some speaker and creating a discussion panel on the topic at your next event.

If you have ever been to an event where multiple experts are on stage, you will see that what keeps the dialogue interesting is the moderator. A good panel moderator is someone who can keep the conversation flowing while also keeping the panelists on track. They need to be able to keep the panelists focused on the topic at hand and make sure that they are all given a fair chance to speak. A good moderator will also be able to keep the panelists from getting too heated and make sure that the discussion remains respectful.

How to keep a panel discussion on track

According to Keynote Speakers, when you are the moderator of a discussion panel, it is your job to keep the conversation flowing and to make sure that all panelists have a chance to speak. Here are some tips on how to keep a diversity and inclusion panel discussion on track:

Keep an eye on the time. Make sure that each panelist speaks for an equal amount of time and that the discussion does not run over the allotted time.

Keep the discussion focused. If a panelist strays off topic, gently bring the conversation back to the main topic.

According to Motivational Speakers, it is important that when you are speaking to encourage audience participation. Ask questions of the audience and encourage them to ask questions of the panelists.

Summarize key points. At the end of the discussion, briefly summarize the main points that were covered.

How to keep panelists engaged

When it comes to moderating a discussion panel, there are a few key things to keep in mind in order to ensure that both the panelists and the audience remain engaged throughout the entire discussion.

First and foremost, it is important to make sure that all of the panelists are given an equal opportunity to speak. This means that you should avoid allowing any one panelist to dominate the conversation. If someone does start to speak more than the others, gently remind them to let the others have a chance to speak as well.

"It is also important to keep the discussion focused" suggests Sean Adams of Motivation Ping. This means that you should have a clear idea of what topics you would like to cover ahead of time and make sure to keep the panelists on track. If the discussion starts to stray, gently bring it back to the topic at hand.

Finally, make sure to keep an eye on the audience and gauge their reaction to the discussion. If they seem to be losing interest, you may need to liven things up a bit. This could mean asking the panelists to address specific questions from the audience or to provide more detailed explanations of their points.

By following these simple tips, you can ensure that your discussion panel remains both engaging and informative for everyone involved.

How to ask probing questions

If you're new to moderating discussion panels, it can be tricky to know how to ask probing questions. Here are a few tips to help you get started:

Make sure you understand the topic. Before you start moderating, take some time to familiarize yourself with the topic of the discussion. This will help you ask more informed questions.

Prepare questions in advance. Having a few questions prepared in advance will help you keep the discussion on track.

Keep an open mind. As the moderator, it's important to keep an open mind and avoid bias. This will help ensure that the discussion is fair and objective.

Be aware of body language. Pay attention to the body language of the panelists. This can give you clues as to when to ask a question and when to let the discussion flow.

Encourage interaction. One of the most important parts of moderating a diversity and inclusion discussion panel is encouraging interaction between the panelists so that they do not feel isolated or treated unfairly. This will help keep the discussion lively and interesting.


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