How to put your best foot forward when looking for a new job

Published on Jul 05, 2018

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How to put your best foot forward

when looking for a new job

#1 The ‘soul searching’ phase

Photo by Helena Cook

Ask yourself what do I really want in my next job?

Draw up an ideal job description for yourself – be very specific.

Photo by Erol Ahmed

Create a list of companies you'd love to work for

Focus on the strengths you enjoy using

Look to make 'the right move' rather than
'a move'

#2 The ‘job searching’ phase

Photo by perzonseo

Sign up to the major job boards

Go for quality applications not quantity

Find a recruitment agency that specialises in your area

Photo by Jungwoo Hong

Research the average salary for your position + industry + location so you know where to pitch yourself

#3 The ‘building your professional’ brand phase

Ensure that your LinkedIn profile is complete

Use social media to position yourself as a thought leader

Customize your CV to address the challenges of the specific role you've applied for

Make sure your cover letter is crafted specifically for the job

#4 The ‘above and beyond’ phase

Photo by rofi

Networking is an essential component of successful job hunting – your ideal job may not even be advertised yet

References can make a big difference in getting hired – make sure yours are excellent

Be ultra-responsive – this shows your interest in the position

Follow up after an interview by thanking everyone you met - make a good impression

Untitled Slide

Photo by Clark Tibbs

Aim higher.