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How to Save Energy

Published on Nov 22, 2015

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How to Save Energy

By: Michael Roberts

Why to Save Energy

  • Because energy will not always be around and we have to save it as long as we can
  • Also using less energy cost less money.
  • If you save energy you could also help your envirnment.
Photo by Vvillamon

Saving Energy (home)

  • Solar screens on windows
  • Turn down AC or heater
  • Turn off lights and unplug electronics.

How to Save Energy (school)

  • Use energy efficient light bulbs.
  • Turn off extra lights in the class room.
  • Turn off light when the class leaves the room. (going to the library, etc)
Photo by knittymarie

How to Save Energy (community)

  • Install solar panels on top of roofs.
  • Everyone drives an electric car.
  • Put solar panels on top of an electric car and power it as its driving.
Photo by ell brown