On super bowl Sunday alone 2 million pizzas are sold. Throughout the year 3 billion pizzas are sold in The U.s.a. The amount of pizzas sold is one of the ways we can show the population.
In one day 7 million songs are sold. In one year 2.5 billion songs are sold worldwide.Songs sold on ITunes is a good way to show how population around the world.
In the U.s.a 400 million cups of coffee are consumed per day. Which makes 146 billion in a year. Even though it is a huge number we can still use coffee consumption as a way to show population.
In Australia there are 74.3 million sheep, to a population of 23 million. Which is a 1 to 3 ratio. Sheep are a good example because they are living creatures as well as us.
Each day 100 thousand trees are cut down in a day worldwide. Which equates to 6 million a year. The amount of trees being cut down is a good way to show the population because it is constantly changing like us.