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How to Speak

Published on Jan 26, 2017

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How to Speak

By: Alex Clark

How to start speaking

  • Find the ideal topic
  • introduce it in a fashion that would keep their intrested in the speech

Key elements of speaking

  • Get their attention, introduce the topic in a way that would make them want to listen
  • Don't drone on about a topic for longer than it needs to be
  • Present facts and evedecence to suppor that topic
  • State the importance of the topic.

Speaking tactics

  • don't memorize the entire speech, you will forget parts
  • Add movement to the presentation, move when you make a new point, add hand gestures

Speaking tactics cont.

  • Start talking with confidence in the subject
  • when moving on use transtion words, such as, first off, now, then, next, ect.

Even more pointers

  • EYE CONTACT, it is very important when giving a speech, presentation, so forth
  • speak clearly, don't mumble, repeat the same thing 50 times unless its to prove a point
  • Stand straight up, don't chew gum, if need be use visual aids, make sure most of the points relate to the speech.

Types of speech

  • topical- common, used to talk about a single topic in a organised fashion
  • chronological- uses a time frame for the speech
  • spatial- put parts of speech anywhere it can fit
  • classification- puts info in a set catagory
  • problem/solution- tells a problem and a proposed solution
  • Cause and effect- tells a cause then gives a list of effects