How will you be Well Ahead?

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How to get more done in a day

(at least) 25 ideas that really work

What do you want people to say about you after you die?

I realize that this may seem to be an odd way to start a time management session—or at least a morbid one—but as the wise Rabbi Harold Kushner said, “I never met anyone on their death bed who said I wish I spent more time at the office.” Or as I like to say “I doubt that on our death bed any of us will say I need to check my email.” Or at least I hope we won’t…

Five regrets of the dying

  • I wish I had the courage to life a life true to myself...
  • I wish I didn't work so hard.
  • I wish I had the courage to express my feelings.
  • I wish I had stayed in touch with my friends.
  • I wish that I had let myself be happier.
Some of you might be familiar with the work of Bonnie Ware, a hospice nurse, who wrote a booklet about the top 5 regrets of the dying:

1. I wish I’d had the courage to live a life true to myself, not the life others expected of me.
2. I wish I didn’t work so hard.
3. I wish I’d had the courage to express my feelings.
4. I wish I had stayed in touch with my friends.
5. I wish that I had let myself be happier.

—all of which relate to some extent about the way we spend the time we have. Especially #2: I WISH I HADN’T WORKED SO HARD
#4: I WISH I HAD STAYED IN TOUCH WITH MY FRIENDS (how many of you have a best friend (not husband, wife or partner—friend)? How many of you spent time with that past friend in the past week?)

Photo by W. E. Jackson

Time management is not about working faster so you can do more; it is about working efficiently on the things that matter so you can live your life.

So, if you take nothing else away from this session, what I hope you will walk out of here with is this: time management, productivity, or whatever you want to call it, is not about working faster so you can work more.

Rather, it is the cornerstone of a successful life; one where you get to pursue your goals and dreams and have the leisure time to be with the people that you love and do the things that you enjoy doing.

And if what you want to do is work more: great! No judgment from me—especially if you work for me!

To me time management is a series of habits that will allow me to not have any of these top 5 regrets of the dying.

What I am going to talk to you about today is:

What I know about time.
What I have come to believe about time management.
Hint: it’s not about managing time, so we are going to talk about what it is about managing.
And then I am going to share with you some of the tips, tools and tactics that have worked for me and give you some resources to explore that might be useful to you.
Photo by KatieKrueger

"When seeking advice from time management gurus, people often walk away with nothing more than unsatisfying words of wisdom." unknown

When I was working on this presentation, I came across this graphic…And Because I do not want to waste any of your time—if this session isn’t working for you, you will not hurt my feelings if you get up and walk out. In fact, I will take it that you did learn something from me after all, don’t waste time on something that isn’t moving your goals forward.
Photo by flod


Culver City, CA 
So who am I?
JAG SLIDE: I am Anne Josephson
And I own JAG GYM (picture)
About to turn 10 years old and serve around 2K kids and have 70 employees

My Girls

But most significantly I am the parent to these 4 girls

also pet parent to three cats and one dog

several volunteer boards, blog and try to have a life.

Here is what I was not: great at managing my time. Decided I needed to get better fast.

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Here were three things I know about time

Three Things to Know About Time: we have the same amount, it cannot be managed, it’s more valuable than money.
We say we have none, but we have all that there is; everyone gets the same amount.
Don't say you don't have enough time. You have exactly the same number of hours per day that were given to Helen Keller, Pasteur, Michelangelo, Mother Teresa, Leonardo Da Vinci, Thomas Jefferson, and Albert Einstein. Slide (Have you all seen what Jack Bauer can do with 24 hours? On second thought, if you haven’t don’t bother because you will end up eating up many hours of your time watching!)

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2. We cannot manage it—time is set—and once it’s gone, it’s gone.
a. SLIDE: Remember time lost cannot be regained.
Photo by gothick_matt

Time is more important than money!

You can earn more money but not more time.
With apologies to Ben Franklin who said time is money, I believe time is way more important than money.

You can make more money but not more time

People camp-out on sidewalks for days at Wal-Mart hoping to get a $199 HDTV.

People drive hours to save pennies.

YET, Clearly, we think that time management is VERY important…

What has the most hits on Google?

  • Time Management 503,000,000
  • Fall in Love 399,000,000
  • Happiness 313,000,000
  • Lose Weight 244,000,000
  • Get Rich 163,000,000

Time management: 503,000,000
Fall in love: 399,000,000
Happiness: 313,000,000
Weight loss: 244,000,000
Get rich: 163,000,000

and yet
Photo by saraab™

Since 2008...

  • Since 2008, work hours are up 15%
  • Free time is down 33%
  • Average work week is 45 hours
  • 17 of those hours are unproductive

since 2008, work increased by 15% and free time decreased by 33%
Photo by Polifemus

Average work week: 45 hours

Survey average work week is 45 hours; 17 of them are considered unproductive

Average work week: 45 hours

Survey average work week is 45 hours; 17 of them are considered unproductive

Stop managing time!

Stop managing time and instead start managing what we are able to manage:

Photo by

Manage Priorities

Photo by Great Beyond

“Managing your time without setting priorities is like shooting randomly and calling whatever you hit the target.”

a. We can manage priorities
“Managing your time without setting priorities is like shooting randomly and calling whatever you hit the target.” - Peter Turla
Photo by Ben Gun

Manage your self

Photo by

The challenge is not to manage time but to manage ourselves.

Stephen Covey

Photo by Xraijs_

Manage environment and tools

Final piece you can manage is your environment and tools.

Manage Priorities + Self + Environment =
Time Management

Photo by eriwst

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What are your areas of focus?

broader than goals

six box to do list
5 areas of focus
1 box for day to day stuff

1. strategic planning
2. marketing
3. management development
4. finance
5. family/personal well being
6. stuff


Less than 3% of people do.
1. SHOW OF HANDS: how many of you have a written list of goals? SLIDE: Only 3% of people do—3%! People spend more time writing their grocery list than their goals.
Photo by Guudmorning!

Written goals are achieved 80% times more than those that are not written.

1. But those who write them down are 80% more likely to achieve them.

2. schedule them--use your calendar

3. Lots of ways to manage priorities, including Stephen Covey etc. you can Google goal setting (24 million hits—more than time management!) and be occupied for days.
Photo by slgckgc

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the goals i set are based on parrots princple

80% of the effects come from 20% of the causes

80% profit; 20% sales

know what those are

recreational program
specifically 3, 4 and 5 year olds

team--lower levels

camp--those random day camps make a difference

Have a Planning and review system

Annually. Quarterly. Monthly. Weekly.  Daily. 
list of questions

how did year go
do differently
what am i proud of


"We do not learn from experience ... we learn from reflecting on experience."


a framework for organising and tracking your tasks and projects

keeping track of what you need to do, should do, or should consider to do

You will have to make the following lists:

Next actions (probably several – more on that later)
Waiting for
Some day/maybe

Write everything down.

I mean EVERYTHING!  Moleskine notebooks.
Photo by Al Abut

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other valuable lesson

spend too much time searching for things

organize your email--inbox is not a holding place

I will be extremely happy if...

“There is nothing so useless as doing efficiently that which should not be done at all.”

and decide what NOT to do

Peter Drucker

what's on your not to do list?

In short, MANAGE PRIORITIES by setting goals, breaking those goals into 80/20 projects, scheduling them and living by your to do list as well as deciding what you won’t be doing.
Photo by IsaacMao

Nearly 1/3 of American working adults (about 41 million people) get less than 6 hours of sleep per night.

Get 6 hours
Photo by TempusVolat

Ways to manage ourselves

  • Energy/Wellness
  • Schedule
  • Self Imposed Distractions
  • Happiness
  • Deal with procrastination


Harvard University study showed that worker burnout set in as a day of training wore on. Workers performed increasingly poorly over the course of four daily practice sessions on a visual task that involved having subjects report the orientation of three diagonal bars against a background of horizontal bars on a computer screen.

But allowing subjects to take a 30-minute nap after the second session prevented further deterioration and a one-hour nap actually boosted performance in the third and fourth sessions back to normal levels, the study found.

and 20 minutes

my favorite way to nap

caffiene kicks in by the time you wake up

Keystone habits

Habits that set you up for success

getting up early
10 ideas

these help me manage time
as does

Get up early.

Counter intuitive with all the discussion about sleep


exercising, meditating or praying, doing work and eating breakfast are activities that many successful people check off their list in the morning.

house is quiet

mind fresh

Employees who exercise

  • 72%  report improvement in time management
  • 79% report improvement in job performance
  • 74% believe they manage workload better
  • 41% feel more motivated for work
  • 50% decrease in productivity for rare exercisers
time to exercise

72% report improvement in time management

79% report improvement in job performance

74% believe they manage workload better

41% feel more motivated for work

50% decrease in productivity for rare exercise

My Keystone Behaviors

Increase willpower

a limited resource
willpower is a limited resource

making lots of decisions about how to use our time makes us tired, have a routine is good for this
Photo by ginnerobot

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keystone habits help anchor positive routine

one way that helps us increase will power

limit choices

a. STEVE JOBS and the black turtle neck

Photo by lyo

Fewer choices....

  • wear single color palate 
  • dresses
  • shop at one store or online
  • eat same few meals
  • set schedule re: exercise

Unhealthy eating is linked with a 66 percent increased risk of loss of productivity

Photo by sudama

Hydrate: a 2% loss of body water can cause short term memory problems.

make it easy by having water available

carry a bottle

have in office
in house
in bedroom

Limit the distractions

47% of your time on line is PROCRASTINATION! 

turn off push notifications

can use APPS like RESCUE TIME
Photo by rishibando

turn off push notifications

can use APPS like RESCUE TIME

measures what you do online
can block distracting sites

Myth of mulit-tasking

IQ DROPS 1o points! 
A recent study from the Institute of Psychiatry at the University of London suggests that your IQ falls 10 points when you're fielding constant emails, text messages, and calls, the same loss you'd experience if you missed an entire night's sleep and more than double the 4-point loss you'd have after smoking marijuana. On average men fared worse than women because, researchers say, men have more difficulty multitasking.
Photo by JPDaigle

USe Drive time listening to audio

  • Entrepreneur on Fire
  • Dave Ramsey
  • Duct Tape Marketing
  • Anything with Seth Godin

By turning your car into a driving university you can easily listen to 5-10 hours of uplifting audio every week… that’s 250 to 500 hours a year! Or an entire year of college.

Photo by _skynet

a plan for mindless work

  • Post Planner and HootSuite
  • Drills on YouTube
  • Book keeping
  • TED Talks



i. 31% higher productivity
ii. 37% higher sales
iii. Creativity 3 times higher.

a plan for waiting

  • @whenihavetime
  • Pocket or RSS Feed
  • Kindle App
  • Magazine articles clipped
  • Moleskin

Happy people are...

  • 31% more productive
  • 37% higher sales
  • 3x more creative

i. 31% higher productivity
ii. 37% higher sales
iii. Creativity 3 times higher.

scientifically proven ways to be happier

  • exercise
  • sleep
  • spend more time with family/friends
  • go outside
  • help others
1. Topic of an entire other talk and area of interest of mine but here are 10 scientifically proven ways to be happier

a. Exercise (7 min enough)
b. Sleep more
c. More time with family and friends
d. Go outside (walk)
e. Help others (100 hours a year)
Photo by chrismar

ways to be happy (Continued)

  • practice smiling
  • plan a trip
  • meditate
  • move closer to work 
  • be grateful

f. Practice smiling
g. Plan a trip (even if you don’t go)
h. Meditate (
i. Move closer to work (work from home?)
j. Practice gratitude
Photo by Dru!

“Work expands so as to fill the time available for its completion.”
– Cyril Northcote Parkinson

By shrinking the time, it makes tasks feel manageable.
Photo by flossyflotsam

Happer Tapper App

f. Practice smiling
g. Plan a trip (even if you don’t go)
h. Meditate (
i. Move closer to work (work from home?)
j. Practice gratitude

where do you work best?

different work in different environments



  • eat up 2.1 hours of our day
  • we get 11 minutes of work done before being interrupted
  • average day: 7 times an hour; 80% are trivial
  • takes 25 minutes to get back to original task when interrupted
a. office distractions ate up 2.1 hours a day

b. employees devoted an average of 11 minutes to a project before being distracted.

interruption on average 7 times an hour; 80% of which are considered trivial

takes 25 minutes to get back to original task

set boundaries

signs on doors

when you take phone calls

when answer emails

Photo by bradleygee

Executives average 23 hours per week in meetings where 7.8 hours of the 23 are unnecessary and poorly run, which is 2.3 months per year wasted.

limit meetings

insist on agendas

someone takes notes

follow up actions must be sent
Photo by Official GDC

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limit meetings

insist on agendas

someone takes notes

follow up actions must be sent


Let It Go! 

let people do their jobs

yes you can do it better

so what

what is your time worth?

are you doing $10 hour work?


Photo by Palladius

have tools you need

computer--fast as you can afford; keep it updated

coach--have the mats you need; drills you need etc.

sharpen your ax and the tree comes down faster

The average American wastes 55 minutes a day (roughly 12 days a year) looking for things they own but can’t find.

and so am I...

Buy multiples of things frequently used.

Duplicate make up bags.

one one each floor of house, one in office, one in brief case plus one extra in car.

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calendar--repeat items that need to recur
air filters
meet schedules
decide who is going to congress
reviews etc.
some others

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Use note app

to record ideas and commonly needed info.

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Group Errands Together

schedule blitz time

take a couple hours once in awhile to take care of all the lose ends that you need to take care of.

the stuff that bugs you.

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  • Why I am putting off this task?
  • What is it costing me?
  • Am I losing valuable time by trying for perfection?
  • Is this causing me anxiety?
  • What is the smallest thing I can do right now?


why i am putting off this task?

what is it costing me?

Am I losing valuable time by trying for perfection?

Is this causing me anxiety?

What is the smallest thing I can do right now?

PROCRASTINATION...It is astonishing how long it takes to finish something you’re not working on.

Photo by slworking2

How do you eat an elephant?

One bite at a time.
Photo by angela7dreams

I can do anything for one minute.