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How You Get To $5M In Revenue in Under Three Years

Published on Nov 20, 2015

How we drove our online retailer into the multiple millions in revenue in under three years using kick-butt CRM


Zero to $5M

Blast Beyond Product-Market Fit

Drew Sanocki

Photo by tonx

The Big Idea: Highest ROI

  • Identifying best customers
  • Creating more of them
Once you have achieved PMF, then the highest ROI activity
Photo by Victor Bonomi


Dollars do double duty
Every dollar you spend on retaining a 'best' customer not only increases their LTV, it increases the LTV of all future customers you acquire


Identify your best customers
So let's go over both steps involved.
Photo by djLicious

Customers: Not Created Equal

As you may or may not know, not all customers are created equal. Some are low LTV

How we did it

  • RFM
  • Ranked customers
  • Top quintile: 50%+ of revenue


Create more of them
Once you've identified your best customers, you move on to Step Two -- creating more of them.
Photo by Julie70

Three Ways to UP CV

  • Retention
  • Development
  • Acquisition

Retention Example

  • Best Customers order every 60 days
  • @ 70 days > 10%
  • @ 90 days > 15%
  • @ 110 days > 20%
Photo by danmachold


  • 400+% ROMI over three months
  • "Tripwire" marketing: automate!
  • SAAS? Last login red flag
Photo by DaveOnFlickr

More Examples

  • Retention > latency tripwires
  • Development > find your bridges
  • Acquisition > account for full LTV
The best way to approach...

New Mindset

  • Job: "Right Solution" > "Right Customers"
  • Focus: Acquisition > Churn
  • Revenue > Cash Flow
  • VC > Bootstrapper or PE
What I'm basically talking about here is a new mindset. After achieving PMF, your job has moved from finding the Right Solution to finding the Right Customers.

And this last point is why I believe this customer-centric approach is particularly relevant to the microconf audience.


DrewSanocki.com / @drewsanocki
Photo by Stéfan