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Human Behavior

Published on Nov 20, 2015

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Human Behavior

(Social Psychology)

Social Psychologists

Photo by ginnerobot


Photo by AhmadHashim

Why is the study of human behavior important?

The study of human behavior is important because it allows us to understand ourselves and others much more.

Photo by i k o

How is human behavior studied?

Photo by diegodacal

People like social psychologist run social experiments, therefore a lot of research is done.

Photo by mattfoster

What affects human behavior?

Photo by Paco CT

Experiment 1:
Robbers Cave Experiment

Experiment 2:
The Bobo Doll Experiment

Experiment 3:
Milgram Experiment

Experiment 4:
Cognitive Dissonance

Questions people had for me:

Why do people fall in love?

Scientifically our brains are wired to reproduce, have sex, therefore one searches for a partner to do this with. Love also adds more meaning to life. Love is proven to make people happier and healthier. Love also makes one feel important, understood, and secure.

PEA (phenylethylamine),
Dopamine, and Norepinephrine/
Noradrenaline are all chemicals associated with love.

Photo by kevin dooley

Why do people fall out of love?

Other than differences in a relationship. The chemicals that are released when in the beginning phases of a relationship don't affect our bodies the same because we become used to them.

Photo by kevin dooley

Once the familiarizing happens relationships either crumble to pieces or the bond in a relationship becomes more calm and long term.

How does weather affect our behavior?

How does culture affect our behavior?

Photo by angela7dreams
