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Human body systems

Published on Nov 27, 2015

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HUman Body systems

The Circulatory and Endocrine systems
Photo by postbear

Circulatory System

Includes heart, arteries, veins, coronary and portal vessels.

Circulatory system

  • Circulates blood around the body.
  • Transports nutrients, water, and oxygen to cells.
  • Carries away wastes and carbon dioxide from cells.
  • Connects together all body cells
  • Made of pulmonary, coronary, and systemic circulation.

The Heart

Circulates blood throughout the body.


Carries oxygen rich blood away from heart.


Carry blood back toward your heart.

Endocrine system

Includes Pituitary,Thyroid, Adrenal glands, and Pancreas. 

Endocrine System

  • Maintains the body's homeostasis.
  • maintains cellular metabolism.
  • Helps reproduction and sexual development.
  • Controls your heart rate.
  • Helps with digestion.

The Pancreas

Responsible for maintaining the amount glucose in the blood.

Adrenal gland

Maintains body's response to stress.

Thyroid gland

Makes hormones helping metabolism, growth, & fevers.

The endocrine system makes hormones that are transported in blood by the circulatory system .

The endocrine system produces adrenaline which regulates blood pressure.

medical conditions

  • Diabetes
  • Hypothyroidism
  • Arteriosclerosis
  • High blood pressure
  • Aortic Aneurysm