What is the difference between a renewable and non renewable resource?
: A renewable resource is a resource that can be renewed or restored on a regular basis and a non renewable resource is a resource that may not be renewed or restored and is completely gone after out.
Which is involved with your ecological choice and how does your project help the planet in this?
:Switching to Reusable water bottles over plastic bottled water makes a huge and positive economical difference. Less plastic will get wasted and put into landfills. Around 84% plastic will end up being littered or even not recycled while using plastic bottled water per year. This will be reduced with the use of reusable water bottles since most reusable water bottles are stainless steel, recycled hard plastic and other recycle able materials. It will also contribute to saving fossil fuels. Mostly because plastic water bottles are made of oil, therefore switching to reusable water bottles can save over 72 gallons of oil per year. Only 1 out of 6 plastic water bottles are recycled, however reusables aren't found in the trash often and are made of recycled material anyway. Emphasizing that switching to Reusable water bottles over plastic bottled water benefits the environment in many ways.
Are There Any Other Benifits?
: Also most reusables are made from 100% recycled material. Depending on the person one may benefit from the materials added to produce the bottles. Plastic can contaminate things stored in the bottle and reusables not much.
Are there any disadvantages?
:Some bottles however are made of great materials but still may affect the taste of water in the slightest bit. Such as having stainless steel or other metal water bottles may cause the water to taste a bit different than normal. Unlike plastic some of these reusable bottles weigh a bit more causing a little more hassle to carry. All bottles are pretty inexpensive but reusables cost more than plastic bottled water, however the money you spend on bottled water vs. A couple reusable bottles all Adds up.
How do you know you are correct?
:Billions of plastic water bottles are made each single hour, if we know that plastic is already bad for the environment then why would this be good to buy more plastic? With reusable water bottles, not as much plastic is used in the making of these water bottles even when you purchase them and use them.
Which Earth Systems are involved and protected with this ecological choice?
Reusable water bottles, are never and or rarely littered unlike plastic bottled water. Plastic bottled water gets littered in oceans constantly and releases toxins into water, even in,landfills these plastic toxins release into groundwater, therefore affecting hydrosphere, by polluting all kinds of water. Also these disposable plastic bottles constantly kill wildlife by again polluting oxygen in water and even on land when animals eat or interact with the constant littering of these bottles. When switching to reusables this littering cause will be reduced and groundwater will be better, helping humans drink cleaner water, wildlife to not die from toxins of plastic, and for the water not to be polluted. Not only does it affect hydrosphere, and Bioshere, it also affects atmoshere. These plastic bottles not already take over 700 years to decompose, but if these bottles somehow get burnt to pieces horrifying and toxic gases are releases into the Atmoshere, these gases and materials include chlorine gas and ash that have poisonous metals inside that not only pollute but majorly hurt the atmoshere.
How easy is it really for a person to make the choice you are suggesting?
It definitely doesn't take much. In fact less work. People constantly run to the grocery store for more disposable bottled water, however each person has tap water at home, and all you have to do is buy so,e reusable water bottles, and drink tap water.
Does it cost a person any money to make the ecological choice you are suggesting?
I do not believe it does. For a matter of fact, it cost the person less money to do this. For the money an average person spends on plastic bottles of water, the cost is less to switch to reusable water bottles. Since in the United States total everyone spends 11.8 billion per year on bottled water. This will be reduced for sure with the use of reusable water bottles. It will see you over $550 per year spending.
Does it create an inconvenience to make the ecological choice you are suggesting?
Well I guess again I depends on the person and there opinions. For people do like the taste of bottled water better, but like I said the taste really matters on the peoples opinions. I guess it could create an inconvenience for some to go out of there normal way instead of just picking up an already filled bottle to fill up and buy there own water bottle.
Does your ecological choice have any connection to major energy initiatives or programs? Why/ why not?
Solar Power- No absolutely not, loss of plastic in the environment may not help or hurt the solar power initiatives. And does not help power solar plants.
Wind power- No the switching to reusables does not help and could not possibly help any wind producing from loss of plastic. Does not help power turbines either.
Biomass- Since most of the plastic bottles are not made of biodegradable plastic or materials, it would be a no. However if either one was made out of biodegradable material it would connect with biomass.
Geothermal energy- No because losing littered bottles of plastic does not help power the geothermal plants or contribute to the energy.
Hydro-electric electricity plants- Even though the reduction of some of the pollution in waters would help some of the water get cleaner, for hydro-electric power it does not necessarily depend on how clean or dirty the water powering it is. So it wouldn't necessarily depend on this.
Nuclear Energy- If plastic is polluted into the water used for a Nuclear Power Plant, It might be bad. Even animals get caught in certain chambers of these nuclear plants, chemicals of the water and even bottles thrown into these water sources could hurt it. So this shows that when one switches to reusables, this pollution and harming may be partly stopped or reduced and may just help nuclear power plants.
Coal-fired electricity Plants- No before they use water for this, it is highly purified so it would not matter what goes in before purification, and plus the fact that afterwards, the water goes back to the water source.
Petroleum Energy Use- Reusables are rarely made of oil/ fossil fuels like plastics are, so therefore our petroleum source would increase because, most plastics including bottles are made of petroleum and or oil.