Dolly Zoom Wide Shot
This shot is used to introduce the setting of the movie. It allows its viewers to understand what the story might be about too. This shot is called a dolly zoom because it zooms in like a close up as the camera (drone) is moving too.
Establishing shot
This shot is used to show the entire road with the police car coming down the it to point out clearly that it’s an establishing shot. They choose this shot of the car coming towards the camera to show that someone might be in trouble ( hence the police car ) and to show the setting and what’s part of it.
Close up
You can clearly identify this as a close up shot because it focuses on one specific point, In this case, being the police badge. It still also shows detail to the outside background. They use the shot to clearly pinpoint the fact that the police are a critically important part of the story
Close up
This shot is used to pinpoint the police car and its importance in the movie. This is similar to the last shot, as you can still point out the grass in the background
The rest of the shots are the same kind of shots
Cowboy shot
A shot frame from mid- thigh up