Hunting/Gathering Societies

Published on Feb 02, 2016

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Hunting/Gathering Societies

Zach | Jeniffer | Erika | Linh |Jairid
Photo by Dietmar Temps

Hunting and Gathering Societies

  • Societies that rely primarily or exclusively on hunting wild animas, fishing, and gathering wild fruits, berries, nuts, and vegetables to support their diet.
Photo by postbear

Kalahari Bushmen

  • San People
  • Southern Africa
  • Oldest Human Y Chromosome

Paleo Indians

  • Little is know of social structure
  • Importance of tools and weapons
  • Skills
  • Values

Social Organization

  • Low Camp Relatedness
  • Kin importance
  • Sexequality
Photo by JD Hancock

Social Prestige and Privilege

  • No authority or chief
  • Positions assumed though skill
  • Membership
  • Democratic beliefs
Photo by Nikos Niotis

Gender, Age, Minority Status

  • Role of men vs. women
  • Positions within society
  • Age Ranges
  • Minority Statuses
Photo by gothick_matt

Social Status and Opportunity

  • Lack central or social hierarchy
  • Decision making
  • Division of labor
Photo by davedehetre

Social Privilege

  • Minimal Privileges/Power
  • Nomadic lifestyle prevents accumulation of possesions
  • Ready availible of necessary resources
Photo by Dietmar Temps

Social Control

  • No complex political system
  • Several elements of social control
  • Blood Revenge | Group Pressure/Banishment | Fear of the Supernatural

Jairid Rossow

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