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I am Malala

Published on Nov 19, 2015

I am Malala presentation By Logan Rempert :)


I am Malala

By: Logan Rempert B4
Photo by cabancreative

The Taliban: A group of terrorists who follow a very strict belief of the Muslim Bible, they believe that women should stay home and not be educated.

Malala gave interviews on BBC, Her Blog, and in print. That is how she became popular and that is how the Taliban came to know who she was.

Malala started "The Malala Fund" tp help educate girls who are unable to due to social, economic, legal, and political restricted factors.

Malala held her head up high and didn't let the taliban control her. She is a very brave young girl.

Malala went to school even with the Taliban's ban on women's education. On Oct. 9th 2012 her school bus was boarded and she was shot by the Taliban in the Temple.

Malala surprisingly survived the bullet to the temple. After she was shot, she was rushed to a hospital where a UK doctor was and he fixed her up. Her being alive today is a miracle

Malala still continues to talk and act towards womens education equality and she won Pakistan's 1st National youth peace prize for her actions towards womens equality for education.

Photo by Daniel Y. Go

Malala won the 2014 Nobel Peace Prize and chose to share the award with Kailash Satyarthi, a childrens activist from India.

Photo by Kirill Levin