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I am only one person

Published on Nov 18, 2015

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I am only one person

Elizabeth Weisbrod Hour 3

I am only one person.
What can person do?

Elizabeth Weisbrod
Was just one person.
She said one word.
She said it on December 5. 2015.

One person
One word.

Photo by strogoscope

She said it in school.
She said it to a boy.
At St. Joe's middle school
In Waukesha

Photo by profcarlos

The boy said
"Why are you so ugly"?

Photo by HckySo

Elizabeth Weisbrod
One person
Said one word.
The word was' stop!'

Photo by cobblucas

One girl
Said one word
And the boy

Photo by Sara Cimino

One girl
Said one word
And the boy

Photo by ecstaticist

One girl
Said one word
And the boy

I am only one person
What can one person do?

Photo by Ed Yourdon

They listened to her
And he asked her again.
And then pondered his question.
And then asked one last time.

Photo by highersights

It was a Monday
When she said
That One Word.

Photo by ** RCB **

One girl
said one word
And the boy