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I Heart Divorce Nonsense 2

Published on Dec 29, 2015

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10 Commandments to Negate the Nonsense

If you find yourself using old beliefs, these replacements might help...
Photo by @jbtaylor

1. Trying for perfection is pointless... we never 'arrive'.

Sadly - or is that happily? - we can't ever be perfect because LIFE GOES ON.
Photo by VinothChandar

2. Each person's idea of success is a unique recipe with many ingredients.

Be careful of using other peoples' ingredients or it will turn out wrong for you.
Photo by » Zitona «

3. Remaining stuck in a place of unhappiness is the opposite of success.

Photo by vonSchnauzer

4. Only you can really know what you like and want.

If you wish to stop borrowing ideas or letting others decide for you, find out what that is.
Photo by Fimb

5. All children are naturally good at finding their silver lining.

We can encourage that (and learn a thing or two from it for ourselves).

6. There are as many right ways to live as there are people.

Photo by bachmont

7. Putting happiness on hold is a sad, unnecessary, wasteful mistake.

Photo by donjd2

8. Accept your worthiness and the worthiness of all others.

Take both as a given and you will see that sacrifice is never necessary.
Photo by Luke,Ma

9. Marriage is a fun idea.

The experience can be as meaningful and as long or short as anyone wants.

10. Divorce does NOT need to affect your or your future negatively.

It can be as neutral, or even as positive, as you like.
Photo by vale ♡

10. If you get divorced, you will forever have a flaw.

And people in long lasting relationships are all automatically immaculate.
Photo by photophilde

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