I think in colors

Published on Nov 18, 2015

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I think in colors

  • My colors have sound and movement
  • I hear spoken words and my brain finds a picture match
  • People with Autism are visual thinkers
  • We do not know that others do not think in pictures
  • My brain cannot always quickly translate words to pictures
Photo by kevin dooley

I am often described

as being in my own little world

I am in the same world as others around me

  • They just cannot always see my world
  • Our experience of the world is different
  • I can hear and see in a much more robust way
Photo by VinothChandar

If we used an autistic's experience as the norm

Then everyone else would come up very lacking

We measure according to

  • What most people perceive and label as normal
  • Any experience that does not fall into this range
  • Is labeled abnormal
  • People with this abnormal experience are said to be 

We measure according to

  • What most people perceive and label as normal
  • Any experience that does not fall into this range
  • Is labeled abnormal
  • People with this abnormal experience are said to be 

Deficit based language

Why do we use deficit language

to describe the humanity of a person with autism?
Photo by @Cristianhold

Landing outside the norm does not equate to mean less than as a human being

Photo by jenny downing

Many individuals with autism

need to "stim" to calm or to make sense of the world

The behavioral patterns of trying to catch the sun sparkles and tails helped organize the world around me.


  • Autistics are required to make accmomodations daily
  • The world is not set up in a neurologically friendly way
  • It takes us longer to take in information
  • This processing delay is a huge disadvantage for us
  • I am expected to accommodate for myself 
Photo by victor_nuno

In our fast paced world I am expected to act appropriately as "neurotypicals" act.

Photo by Viernest

The sheer amount of accommodations we are required to make each day is incredibly higher than "neurotypicals".

Photo by VinothChandar

Apples to oranges

  • You are know as a good person 
  • You make accommodations for me
  • Whereas I am a bad person
  • When I fail at accommodating for my own differences
Photo by teachernz

Autism is not "less than"

  • We  have a diagnosis, not a flawed humanity
  • We  have a different way of thinking
  • We have a different operating system
  • We have a different way of experiencing the world
  • We struggle just to fit into your world
Photo by martinak15

Turning over

thoughts in my head
Photo by [cipher]

Inflexible thinking

  •  I need to turn a thought over
  • Make room in my head and thoughts
  • So that I can consider an alternative
  • Visual thinkers need a visual way to change their thinking
  • Or a visual way to start and stop thinking about things
Photo by Key Foster

A word from Judy Endow

  • Know you do not walk alone
  • Many have traveled down your same road
  • My experience for all today is to
  • Please see the beauty in the heart of my Autism
  • An be encouraged; Is my wish for you

Excerpts from:
Painted Words:
Aspects of Autism Translated
By Judy Endow

Photo by capixart

Nancy Morris

Haiku Deck Pro User