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i wonder

Published on Nov 19, 2015

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I wonder if there are other people similar to us on a different planet far away. As infinite the universe is there is bound to be more people. What if there isn't? Maby we are really alone in this universe. It makes me realize just how lucky I am to be on this planet
Photo by Werner Kunz

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I wonder what it is like to be number one in the world at something. it would be pretty cool if no one in a world of over six billion people could beat you at something.
Photo by ArtsieAspie

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I wonder what it would be like to live alone in Alaska. A place where there is nothing but wildlife. where you have to be self reliant and find your own food and build your own house. Without all of the technologies we have today to help me.
Photo by Cecil Sanders

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Photo by mandiberg


Grant Reese