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Wonder is thinking about what's on the other side.
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I Wonder...

Published on Nov 19, 2015

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I Wonder...

Wonder is thinking about what's on the other side.
Photo by Will Montague

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I wonder what it's like to play a show in front of thousands of fans. I'd love to know the feeling, the adrenaline, and the excitement of it all. I wonder what it's like to fully make it in the music industry.

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I wonder what it takes to be truly happy. Success, money, love, or is there one thing? To be content is a difficult task, and I wonder what the secret to it is- if there is one.
Photo by Javier Volcan

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What is it like to travel the world? To see it all? What is it like to know what every corner of our planet is like, and what surprises are in it?

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Thank you! :)

Gary Zucker

Musician, Student, and Performer