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Published on Feb 04, 2016

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a presentation by Abigail Ketcham, Jasmine Medrano, Ashley Tran, Philip Koehncke
Photo by stef wu

Intro to Othello

Photo by shehal

Who is Iago?

Iago vs. Falstaff


Need for POWER.
Denied lieutenant position by Othello.

Greed (Othello doesn’t give him the job) (ABBY)
Photo by aresauburn™

Accuses Othello of sleeping with his wife, Emilia.

Accusing Othello for sleeping with Emilia (Phil)
“I hate the Moor, And it is thought abroad that ’twixt my sheets He’s done my office. I know not if ’t be true, But I, for mere suspicion in that kind, Will do as if for surety... (I.iii.325)
This rumor is not a major motive but it certainly doesn’t swing in Othello’s favor. “But I, for mere suspicion in that kind, will do as if for surety,” (I.iii.326) He is just finding anything he can to further fuel his hatred and reasoning for destroying Othello.
Photo by katerha

Possibly has feelings for Othello?
Act 3, Scene 3

Gay for Othello (Jasmine)
One interpretation is that Iago is motivated by jealousy. This is because he sees how much Othello loves Desdemona. He is angry deep down by his repressed desire. There is a hint of this in Act 3, Scene 3, when Iago tells Othello “I am your own forever”.
Others also think that there is a clear sexual undertone with Iago’s supposed relationship with Cassio. When he tells Othello that he “lay with Cassio lately”, it is wondered whether this is because their beds are close together or they are gay lovers. Othello doesn’t really suspect anything, though.
While telling Othello the news, he says “In sleep I heard him say ’Sweet Desdemona, let us be wary, let us hide our loves;’ and then kiss me hard; then laid his leg over my thigh, and sigh’d, and kiss’d.”
Iago also hints that he wishes to be in Desdemona’s places and that he desires Othello. Iago might not notice the way he feels when he says the things he does, but this theory does support Iago’s wishes to be the object of Othello’s desire.

Enjoys the misery of others.

He simply enjoys the misery of others; he’s a sociopath (Ashley) -
boasts "Make the Moor thank me, love me, and reward me/ For making him egregiously an ass" (II, i, 320-321)
Iago is the sole conflict throughout the story
Photo by veo_

Which do you think his Motive is?

which do you think it is?
Photo by Leo Reynolds

Do you think that he achieved his goal in destroying Othello?

(Phil) Downfall: Kills Emilia, Gets executed
Does he think that he achieved his goal in destroying Othello even though he was executed?
Yes and no, because he did not achieve the power that he wanted but was able to strip the power away from Othello.
Lost his wife in the process
“Oh, she was foul!—I scarce did know you, uncle. There lies your niece, Whose breath, indeed, these hands have newly stopped.I know this act shows horrible and grim.(V,ii,212-215)
Photo by shehal

What makes him such an intriguing character/do you like him?

Who actually is the most important character in Othello?

Photo by arcticpenguin