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Slide Notes

Hi all, this is the ICT skills slide for CDAE's Student Development Program. Today, I am going to show you a few presentation tools that may assist you to create better quality slides for your presentation.
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ICT Skills

Published on Nov 21, 2015

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ICT Skills

by Noel Wong
Hi all, this is the ICT skills slide for CDAE's Student Development Program. Today, I am going to show you a few presentation tools that may assist you to create better quality slides for your presentation.
Photo by Paladin27

Today's Topic

  • Haikudeck
  • Prezi
  • Blendspace
  • Jing
Well, these are the topics which I would like to show you today. As you can see, these 4 tools are more on creating presentation.
Photo by plattbridger

How long have Microsoft Powerpoint existed?

A question to ponder before we start. How long have Microsoft Powerpoint existed? ...Guess it...
Photo by Oberazzi

24 years ago!

but yet so powerful!
*Drum rolling* ... its 24 years ago but yet it is so powerful and well known.
Photo by VinothChandar


This is the first tool I am going to share with you. Its called HaikuDeck

Stunning Picture

A picture is worth a thousand words!
So why use HaikuDeck? First of all, the main attraction that convinced me to jump on board is the stunning pictures. As we all know, picture is worth a thousand words. As human, we tend to visualise things better than plain long boring text. Thus, this is the best tool to portray stunning and beautiful pictures. The best part of all, the pictures are easily searched and free of copyrighted problems.

Untitled Slide

  • Simple, easy and fun
  • Export it in PDF and PPT
These are some of the benefits of using Haikudeck that I have realised. It is very simple and user friendly. Besides, we could export it the form of PDF and PPT.


Next, the second tool is Prezi. This tool is one of the best tool with zooming effect.
Photo by askpang


  • Free and easy
  • Web-based means for collaboration
  • Link text and image to movement
  • Download and present offline
  • Support various device
  • No worries of unsave slides
These are some of the benefits of Prezi.


  • Headache!
  • Can't print
All good things must have bad side too. These are some of the bad points of prezi.


Blendspace... What is Blendspace? It is one of the tool for presentation.



Untitled Slide

Photo by vistamommy