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If Australia were my home

Published on Nov 20, 2015

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If Australia were my Home

By: Ali Brown
Photo by Linh_rOm

19.72% less likely to be unemployed.

  • easier to find a job
  • more choices on where I would like to work
  • less homeless people
  • being able to find a job at any age

Spend 6.96% more on health care

  • less money to spend on other things
  • could be better health care
  • quicker surgery waiting time
  • better infant care
Photo by brykmantra

Spend 6.96% more on health care

  • less money to spend on other things
  • could be better health care
  • quicker surgery waiting time
  • better infant care
Photo by brykmantra

have 18.46% more babies

  • larger families
  • great environment for kids
  • great quality of health care-less infancy deaths
  • increase of population growth
Photo by John-Morgan

66.67% less likely to have AIDS/HIVS

  • healthier population
  • increased awareness
  • less diseased on the streets
  • better health care
Photo by Franco Folini

use 33.9% less electricity

  • more time outside
  • less electronic devices
  • less social media
  • save more- less money spent on electronics
  • save more- cheaper electrical bills
Photo by prawnpie

use 29.78% less oil

  • drive my car less
  • better weather year round for walking/biking.
  • better for the enviroment
  • less money used for gas
  • don't have to heat my house as often-warmer weather

have 1.85% more free time

  • more time to do what I want
  • 3 extra days off in total
  • more time to spend with family and friends
Photo by D7eame

live 0.4 years longer

  • better health care
  • overall better well-being
  • slightly longer lives

5.94% less likely to die in infancy

  • good health care
  • less mothers lose their children
  • population growth
  • less infancy sickness
  • better chance of not losing a family member
Photo by ephotography

the positives of living in Australia

  • could have larger families
  • less likely to get AIDS
  • use less oil and electrecity- better for the enviroment
  • less infancy deaths
  • less likely to be unemployed
  • kangaroos and koalas
Photo by Leonrw

the negatives of living in Australia

  • pay more for health care
  • get paid slightly less
  • 22% more likely to be in prison
  • giants spiders
Photo by Str1ke

Would i want to make Australia my home?

  • yes!!
  • I would have more free time
  • use less oil and electricity
  • 67% less likely to have AIDS/HIVS
  • could have a large family
  • great health care
  • very small chance I would ever be unemployed