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Illinois intresting facts

Published on May 11, 2016

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Illinois intresting facts

Chicago cubs have the best record in baseball

Los chicago cubs tiene el mas mejor  record en los majores
Photo by nburgie

Illinois had two other state capitals before Springfield, Kaskaskia and Vandalia,

Illinois tenia 2 mas capitals antes de Kaskaskia and Vandalia,
Photo by USDAgov

Only four buildings survived the great chicago fire the Chicago Water Tower, Pumping Station, Michael's church and saint patrick's church

Solamente 4 edificios sobrevive la fuego de chicago son los Water Tower, Pumping Station, Michael's church and saint patrick's church
Photo by MNijland

80% of the state’s land area is farm land.

80% de la estado es tierro de granja

Louis Jolliet and Jesuit Father JacquesMarquette found the state in 1673

Photo by guano