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i'm polish i'm proud

Published on May 30, 2016

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i'm polish i'm proud


Maria Sklodowska-Curie was the first woman professor. He fought for women's suffrage. It lauretką Nobel Prizes in physics and chemistry. Discovered two elements-polonium and radium.

Mikołaj Kopernik-He was born in Torun in 1473.
He was a Polish astronomer, mathematician, lawyer, economist, doctor, astrologiem.Twórca teoriii heliocentric, proved that the earth and other planets. revolve around a stationary sun.

Fryderyk Franciszek Chopin -born in Żelaznej Woli is the most eminent Polish composer, pianist. In 1831 he settled in Paris. and there he died in 1849.

1 Konstytucja w Europie - It was passed on 3 May 1791 the year.The Constitution introduced political alignment burghers and nobles. The Constitution is the most important of all laws enacted in the State.​

Mariusz Pudzianowski-born 1977 in Białej Rawskiej. Polish rider mixed martial arts MMA.Five-time World's Strongest Champion in 2002, 2003, 2008. Three-time World Champion Team Par Strongman in 2003, 2004 and 2005. Master Super Series in the seasons 2003/2004, 2005.​

Konferendacja Warszawska in 1573, the resolution adopted by the nobility at the Diet konwokacyjnym in Warsaw.She was one of Europe's first act of a broad religious tolerance.It was a very important event in Poland.

Kapral niedźwiedź Wojtek-served during World War II in the 2 Polish Corps, he was a favorite of the soldiers of General Anders. Syrian brown bear has been taken in by them in April 1942. In what is now Iran.In 1947. It was put to the Edinburgh Zoo. There, in 1963., He ended his life.

Aleksander Wolszczan-born April 29, 1946 in Szczecin.Polish astronomer, professor of physical sciences, academic teacher, the discoverer of the first extrasolar planets.In February 2005, he announced at a conference in Aspen, Colorado, that - along with Maciej Konackim - discovered fourth planet in the system.

Jan Paweł II-He was born on May 18, 1920 in Wadowicach.polski Roman Catholic bishop, auxiliary bishop of Krakow, then arcybiskup.Jan Paul II was one of the most influential leaders of the twentieth wieku.Zmarł 2005 Vatican.

Łazik- type spacecraft, having the ability to move across the surface of the body, which landed planet or moon.thanks to its mobility, it has a big advantage over traditional lander on the choice of site and facility surveys.The first rovers were designed as part of the Soviet space program and Luna were called Łunochodów.


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