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Impacts of Climate Change

Published on Nov 27, 2015

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Impacts of Climate Change

How does, climate change affect our lives and the Earth's Landscape?

Climate change is already beginning to transform life on Earth.

Photo by CGIAR Climate

Around the globe, seasons are shifting, temperatures are climbing and sea levels are rising.

Photo by Leo Reynolds

Which one will have the most impact on your life, or on the places you care about?

Photo by Kalense Kid

Direct Impact to Temperature

Higher Temperature
Photo by tommaync

Heat-trapping gases emitted by power plants, automobiles, deforestation and other sources are warming up the planet.

Photo by Peter Ras

High temperatures are to blame for an increase in heat-related deaths and illness, rising seas, increased storm intensity.

During the 20th century, the Earth’s average temperature rose one degree Fahrenheit to its highest level in the past four centuries.

Photo by climatesafety

As temperatures rise, so do the risks of heat-related illness and even death for the most vulnerable human populations.

Photo by Hamed Saber

Heat Stroke

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Photo by Ben Beiske

Heatstroke is a condition caused by your body overheating, usually as a result of prolonged exposure to or physical exertion in high temperatures.

Photo by mechanix

Increased Risk of Drought, Fire, and Floods.

Photo by CIMMYT

Climate change is making floods, fires and droughts more frequent and severe.

Hot temperatures and dry conditions also increase the likelihood of forest fires.

As temperatures rise globally, droughts will become more frequent and more severe.

Photo by WherezJeff


Photo by swisscan


Photo by a3aanw


Extreme Weather.

Scientific research indicates that climate change will cause hurricanes and tropical storms to become more intense.

Photo by Zoriah

As sea surface temperatures rise, developing storms will contain more energy.

Photo by Claudio.Ar

Impacts on Water Quality and Quantity

Climate change has already altered, and will continue to alter, the water cycle.

Photo by ahisgett

In many areas, climate change is likely to increase water demand while shrinking water supplies.

Photo by Ennor

increases in runoff, flooding, or sea level rise are a concern. These effects can reduce the quality of water and can damage the infrastructure that we use to treat, transport and deliver water.

Low Soil Productivity.

Drought and excessive precipitation can reduce soil productivity