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Importants Of Color

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Photo by Sean MacEntee

The importance of color. Color is important because it brings emotion, interactions, and thoughts. Color can be insignificant or very important. Some colors can not be seen by the human eye. For example bees can see some colors we can’t see. Without color we can not identify safe or not safe food, animals, and injuries.

Red is important because it can help see the color of food. We can use the color red to see if we see an injury. It can help us see emotion in a person from there face. A burn will be red because of the heat showing an injury.

Orange is important because we can see the sun, and know where it is. We can see vibrant rays and see some food to identify it.

Photo by Alex W McCabe

Yellow is an important color because we can see flowers, to bring beauty in stuff. Light can bring a tint of yellow to help us see.

Photo by Jo Naylor

Blue is important because it can distinguish poisonous creatures from others. It can also let us see the sea and sky. The world would be so much more dull without us seeing the color of the sky and sea.

Photo by josstyk

Indigo is an important color because we can see the deep ocean. It can also be called navy blue. Indigo is a vibrant color so if an animal has indigo on it, the. It is dangerous.

Photo by Caza_No_7

Violet is an important color because we can see some color of berries. Some flowers have violet in it, and some insects as well.

Photo by AntMan3001

Brown is an important color because we can see some types of wood. Wood can be used to burn, build, and craft. Chocolate is brown and chocolate is good because it tastes good.

Blue is personally my favorite color because I like to watch the sky, and stare into the deep sea. I also think that blue is one of the most well liked color because of how common it is to see it.