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Inca Myth: Manco Capac

Published on Nov 18, 2015

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Manco Capac

By:Madison Suleiman

A long time ago, a sun god name Inti, he created the first Incan and named him Manco Capac. After this the sun god created a sister for Manco. His sister was not give a name she was just called "his sister."

The sun god told Manco and his sister to go on a journey.Their wonderful job was to search high and low for a special place called Cuzco. so after that the sun god had given Manco a golden staff to use on his journey.

The sun god said" You will know when you find Cuzco when the Earth swallows the golden staff, you will build a city and name it Cuzco. In this city you will teach other Indians about the sun god."

Since no one would ever would argue wit the sun god,Manco Capac and his sister immediately traveled to the harsh Andes Mountains. Their journey was looking pretty harsh.

Over and over and over they tried but, they couldn't find anywhere where the golden staff was sinking into the gound. On day they came upon the most beautiful place they have ever dreamed of.

When Manco tested the ground the staff immediately sank out of sight ,just as the sun god had told them. So they knew that was the spot to build the city. They named their city Cuzco.

There were other tribes in the area, but Manco soon took over leadership of all the tribes. Manco became the first ruler of the Incas. This is how Cuzco became the capital of the Incan empire.

Manco went on to have 400 children. When Manco died at a very old age, the Incas built the Temple of the Sun on the spot where he died.