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incorporating writing into our math curriculum

Published on Nov 22, 2015

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incorporating writing into

Photo by recurrence


  • Explain why writing across content is important and can be useful
  • List ways to incorporate writing into our math content
  • Create a writing activity to use with math curriculum the 1st 6 weeks 
  • List next steps to address any possible challenges and support needed
Photo by juandesant

Purpose of using writing in math instruction

  • Assessment-Authentic/in student's own words
  • Usage of math terminology-helps students remember
  • Identify patterns in student work/misconceptions
  • Can help us determine how to adjust our instruction 

Purpose of using writing in math instruction

  • Also, increases student engagement
  • Ties in with the 9 essential strategies and STAAR

Types of writing in math class

  • Math journals/logs
  • Solve math problems-think/write/pair/share
  • Explain mathematical ideas/processes-essay
  • Explain the learning process-directions/evaluations
Photo by CERDEC

things to remember

  • Build an open/trusting culture in our classroom first
  • Establish purpose for the kids
  • Ask students to include details/explain thinking thoroughly (model)
  • Have students discuss ideas before writing
Photo by thebarrowboy

Things to remember

  • Write prompt on board to get them started
  • Post useful mathematics vocabulary-anchor charts
  • Share writing in pairs/small groups
  • Use student writing in subsequent instruction- this values thinking
  • Keep student work to use as formative assessment
Photo by thebarrowboy

Plan a writing activity for the  1st 6 weeks

  • Think, write, pair, share
  • Discuss challenges
  • Plan for follow up support from IC
  • Complete form
Photo by BreesyBreizh

go forth and expand mathematical thinking

with writing
Photo by Arthur40A