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Incubation Chamber

Published on Nov 24, 2015

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Incubation Chamber

By: Hannah Burress, Trey Dawson, Peyton Beaman, Brycen Radford
Photo by Decaseconds

The most common disease in Algeria is Malaria, Which we are trying to find a cure for.

Photo by euthman

Incubation Chambers and Biomedical Research!

Photo by NIAID

-An incubation basically cultures and organism or a substance.

Photo by Yersinia

-Incubation chambers usually stay at a warm temperature and also they have a constant supply of nutrients.

Photo by jenny downing

-This reduces the risk of diseases being spread.
-Cultures fungi, bacteria, to help treat and cure diseases.

Photo by shinealight


-Transgenic is the denoting of an organism that has the DNA from another organism.

Photo by kevin dooley

-Currently majority of transgenic animals are mice.
-After scientist finish testing the animals they release them back to their habitat.

Photo by DSTL UNR

-This causes disorders in other mice because if a transgenic mice were to mate with a regular mice, there would be issues with the baby.

Photo by MGunawan

Regenerative Medicine!

Photo by Army Medicine

-The process of creating living, functional tissues which will replace, tissues or organ function lost due to age, diseases, etc.

Photo by ecstaticist

-Also uses stem cells.
-Over 60,000 stem cell transplants have been completed for treatments that deal with oncology and blood-based disorders.

Photo by UCL News

-Incubations chambers are used in regenerative medicine because it allows proper heating, and it doesn't allow germs in.

Photo by estherase

Types of Careers that deal with incubation chamber!

Microbiology- Science that deals with microorganisms. It helps you find cures and treat diseases.

Bacteriologist-They have a very advanced view on bacteria. Find a way to prevent and treat bacteria.

Photo by dsevilla

Epidemiology-It is helping the world to better their protection and it lets people know how people can catch the disease and how not to catch it. They use the incubation chambers not only to culture it but also to protect themselves.

Photo by MikeBlyth