"Looking for Alaska" is about a boy named Myles (later nicknamed Pudge). Myles decided to attend a boarding school named Culver Creek. In Culver Creek, Myles makes a couple of new friends, and despite having decent grades, does "typical teenager" activities such as cigarettes and alcohol. He also gets involved in pranks and other mischievous actions. Through the time he spends with Alaska he falls in love with her even though she would never love him back. In his time at Culver Creek, Myles learns important lessons about love, friendships, and life.
“Looking for Alaska” is about a boy named Myles (later nicknamed Pudge). Myles decides to attend a boarding school named Culver Creek. In Culver Creek, Myles makes a couple of new friends, and despite having decent grades, does “typical teenager” things such as cigarettes and alcohol. He also gets involved in pranks and other mischievous actions. Through the time he spends with Alaska getting drunk, and smoking; he falls in love with her even though she would never love him back. In his time at Culver Creek, Myles learns important lessons about love, friendships, and life.