Languages Spoken
- Hindi
- Bengali
- Telugu
- Marathi
- Tamil
- Urdu
- Gujarati
- Kannada
- Malayam
- Odia
- Punjabi
- Assamese
- Maithili
- Bhili
- Santhali
- Kashmiri
- Nepali
- Gondi
- Sindhi
- Konkani
- Dogri
- Khandeshi
- Kurukh
- Tulu
- Manipuri
- Bodo
- Khasi
- Mundari
- Ho
- New Delhi is home to world’s tallest brick minaret: Qutub Minar (73m).
- New Delhi has an International Museum of Toilets having details of the historic evolution of toilets from 2500 BC to date.
- After Kenya’s Nairobi, New Delhi is said to be the world’s second most bird-rich capital city.
- In May 2014, New Delhi was announced as the most polluted city in the world by the World Health Organization
- 1 New Delhi 46,000,000
2 Mumbai 20,800,000
3 Kolkata 14,700,000
4 Bangalore 10,600,000
5 Pune 10,100,000
6 Hyderabad 9,700,000
7 Chennai 7,000,000
8 Ahmedabad 6,400,000
9 Visakhapatnam 5,300,000
10 Surat 4,600,000
11 Jaipur 3,000,000
12 Kanpur 2,920,000
13 Lucknow 2,900,000
14 Nagpur 2,500,000
15 Ghaziabad
India has a population of 1.3 billion which is a third of Asia as a whole
- The Himalayas, or Himalaya, form a mountain range in Asia separating the plains of the Indian subcontinent from the Tibetan Plateau.
- The Ganges, also known as Ganga, is a trans-boundary river of Asia which flows through the nations of India and Bangladesh.
- The Thar Desert, also known as the Great Indian Desert is a large, arid region in the northwestern part of the Indian subcontinent that forms a natural boundary between India and Pakistan
- Christianity
- Sikhism
- Buddhism
- Jainism
- Islam
- Hinduism
The President of India Ram Nath Kovind,was elected in July 25 2017.
Some traditional sports played in India are kabbadi, and gilli-danda as well as western sports like football, rugby union, cricket, golf, tennis, squash, hockey, Javelin throw, boxing, snooker, and billiards
How to play Gilli-danda To play the game, one team uses the "danda" to hit one of the tapered ends of the "gilli" with force. This causes the "gilli" to flip through the air. While the "gilli" is airborne, the opposing team's hitter attempts to smack it like one would as if playing cricket. The one who hits the "gilli" the farthest will win
How to play kabbadi two teams are on opposite halves of a small field. They take turns sending a "raider" into the other half. This is to win points by tackling members of the opposing team. Then the raider tries to return to his own half. He holds his breath and chants the word "Kabaddi" during the whole raid. The raider must not cross the lobby unless he touches any of his opponents. If he does not touch anyone then he will be "out".
- Taj Mahal, this beautiful site was built in1631 and took 20,000 workmen 22 years to complete.
- The Ellora caves, The famous monumental Ellora Caves were built between the 5th and 10th centuries by Buddhist, Jain, and Hindu monks
- Agra fort, Built as a military structure in 1565 by Emperor Akbar with later additions by Shah Jahan, the stunning Agra Fort is an interesting mix of both Hindu and Muslim influences
- Naan is a type of flatbread
- vegetable samosas are triangle shaped foods full of vegetables like an egg roll
- Vegan aloo tikki are potato biscuits soft on the outside crispy on the inside
- Indian mango chutney is a condiment much like a jelly or relish that is made from unripe mangoes
- Pakora, also called pakoda, pakodi, or ponako, is a fried snack.
- Chicken tikka masala is a dish of chunks of roasted marinated chicken in a spiced curry sauce. The sauce is usually creamy and orange-coloured.