Individual Education Plan

Published on Nov 19, 2015

Progression from present levels to goals to monitoring progress


Individual Education Plan

Writing a document with substance
Photo by USACE HQ

Let's talk about the student

Present Levels must...

  • Be data Driven
  • Provide a baseline
  • Reference gaps on instructional level vs. grade level
  • Include relevant, useful, understandable and measurable information
Photo by Pulpolux !!!

Present Levels must...

  • Incorporate information from all team members
  • Describe effect of disability on performance
  • Identify strengths
  • Prioritize needs
  • Guide development of other areas of the IEP
Photo by Pulpolux !!!

Consider the four assessment types

  • Summative
  • Benchmark
  • Formative
  • Diagnostic

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Present Levels of Data--Functional/Other

  • Behavior/Social Skills
  • Attendance
  • SL/OT/PT/Vison/Hearing
  • Daily Living Skills
  • Tardiness

Meet David

Photo by hoyasmeg

David's PLAAFP

  • Connected to standards?
  • Descriptive?
  • Data types?
  • Instructional level information?
  • Grade level information?

Meet Mary

Photo by Mr. Ducke


  • Connected to standards?
  • Descriptive?
  • Data types?
  • Instructional level information?
  • Grade level information?

Check your PLAAFP

  • Measurable data?
  • Different types of data?
  • Connected to standards?
  • Instructional and grade level information?

Standards Aligned Goals must...

  • Address student need from the PLAAFP
  • Project student performance at the end of one year of instruction
  • Begin from baseline of skill
  • Describe skill attainment level
  • Need to be prioritized
  • Are not the curriculum or program
  • State measurable, countable data
  • Lead to visual countable progress monitoring
Photo by Pulpolux !!!

The 4 components of an IEP Goal

  • Condition
  • Name
  • Behavior
  • Criteria

Back to David

Photo by hoyasmeg

Key Question to Ask

What prerequisite skills does David need to close the gap between his present levels of academic achievement and the grade level standards?

Back to Mary

Photo by Mr. Ducke

Key questions to Ask

What skills are needed to access and align with grade level reading standard?
What Alternate Achievement Standards address Mary's needs?

Check your Goals

  • Do they have condition, Name, criteria?
  • Is there related SDI?
  • Do they include information from the standards?
  • Are you ready to send them to PDE as exemplars?

Progress Monitoring

  • Purpose: determine progress in the general education curriculum
  • Progress in the general education curriculum is determined according to progress in mastery of subject matter content
  • It is important to monitor student progress at instructional level as well as grade level
  • Lead to visual countable progress monitoring
Photo by Pulpolux !!!

In a Standards Aligned System

  • benchmark assessments across grades
  • portfolios, projects, tests, quizzes, homework
  • observation using a rubric
  • standards/anchors mastery checklists
  • performance based assessments
  • learning progression maps
Photo by photophilde

Measuring Progress

  • There are many effective ways to measure progress on the goals and progress in the general education curriculum
  • There is no specific procedure
  • Taking instructional data often and modifying instruction based on the data is the key


  • Collect baseline data
  • Make data collection decisions
  • Determine Data collection tools and schedule
  • Represent progress visually
  • Evaluate the data
  • Make instructional adjustments
  • Communicate progress and new baseline data

Back to David

  • Every 9 weeks parents receive a report of Reading goals measured by
  • Weekly Probes in specific skills graphed
  • Accuracy graphed on related classroom worksheets/quizzes and tests
  • 4Sight Reading Benchmark in Nov. Jan. and April
  • PSSA Reading April

Check your monitoring

  • Are you collecting using a variety of measures?
  • Do you have a method of collecting/graphing/reporting?

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Melissa Flynn

Haiku Deck Pro User