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Indo-Europeans Migrate

Published on Nov 25, 2015

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Photo by dhilung

Who were the Indo- Europeans?

A group of nomadic people who may have come from the steppes.

Photo by Dietmar Temps

What are the steppes? How do they relate to the Indo- Europeans?

The Steppes are dry grasslands that stretched North of the caucasus Mountains. The Indo- Europeans came from the Steppes.

Photo by West Zest

What are the Caucasus Mountains?

The Caucasus Mountains are the mountains between the Black and Caspian Seas.

Photo by blmiers2

What is the Indo-European language family?

The languages of the Indo-Europeans were the ancestors of many of the modern languages of Europe, Southwest Asia, and South Asia. Some languages that have been traced back to the Indo-European language are as follows: English, Spanish, Persian, and Hindi.

Photo by Todd Huffman

What are some examples of languages that belong to the Indo-European language family?

There was Sanskrit, Persian, Hindi, and early forms of Spanish, German, and English.

Do we know why the Indo-Europeans migrated?

No, we don't know why they left their homes in the steppes. They all began to migrate outwards in all directions.

Photo by eriktorner

Define the word "migration."

To move to another country, place , or locality to another

Did their migration occur quickly or a long period of time?

Their migration was between 1700 and 1200 B.C.