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Industrial FOod CHain

Published on Nov 18, 2015

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Industrial FOod CHain

Photo by monkeyc.net

Reason #1

  • The industrial food chain makes food afordable for everyone.
  • This is a really long quote that won't fit on this line so what I am going 
  • to do is put it on the next line. 

Reason #2

  • The industrial food chain is the only way we can mass produce food.
  • "Quote/Paraphrase #1"
  • "Quote/Paraphrase #2"
Photo by coffeego

Reason #2

  • The industrial food chain is the only way we can mass produce food.
  • "Quote/Paraphrase #1"
  • "Quote/Paraphrase #2"
Photo by coffeego


  • Some people may say that industrial food
  • causes too much pollution.
  • According to ___________, this is wrong because...
Photo by monkeyc.net


  • The industrial food chain is the only way we 
  • can effectively feed the country.
  • Even though there are negative effects, it is too
  • hard to change.
Photo by hawaisamurai

Works Cited

Photo by Daniel Y. Go

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