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Industrial Organic

Published on Nov 19, 2015

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Industrial Organic

By Travis Thomas
Photo by caseorganic

Industrial organic farming uses organic and in organic methods to make our food. This is a healthier way of producing food.

Photo by epSos.de

Industrial Organic farming

  • is better for the environment
  • Maintains the life of the soil
  • Water pollution is reduced
  • "No chemicals means no toxic runoff into rivers and oceans
  • Pesticides have been proven to cause cancer, damage nerve cells, and disrupt our endocrine (hormone system)
Photo by UrvishJ

Industrial Organic

  • Is good for the economy
  • Organic food sales in the U.S, in 2012 generated $31.32 billion in sales
  • Cheaper for farmers-less fertilizer to buy
  • Increases jobs-more hands on labor
  • Whithout agriculture we would starve
Photo by swisscan

Industrial Organic farming is a healthier way to feed America. It is good for the economy and better for the environment.

Photo by Werner Kunz

works cited

  • Pollan, Michael. The Omnivore's Dilemma. NY: Penguin Group, 2006. Print.