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Industrial Revolution by Xander Tucker

Published on Dec 16, 2015

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Industrial Revolution

By: Xander Tucker

Industrial Revolution: the transformation of the economy, the environment, and living conditions occurring first in Great Britain

Urbanization: becoming more like a city

Steam engine: a machine that turns the energy released by the burning of fuel into motion

Photo by ell brown

textile: fabric made out of cotton

Photo by ArsDecorativa

Spinning jenny: a machine that drew out cotton fibers and twisted them into thread

Canals: allowed transportation around Britain affordable and quick

Photo by VinothChandar

water frame: the machine made thread strong enough to be woven without linen

Photo by Podsville

mechanization: the application of machinery to manufacturing and other activities

Photo by IRRI Images

Child labor: children starting from age 5 or 6 used for work because of cheep labor

electric telegraph: a device for rapid, long-distance transmission

Photo by cliff1066™