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Industrial Revolution!!!

Published on Mar 29, 2016

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Industrial Revolution!!!

Photo by airdiogo

Factors of production

  • Land - Expansion of farmland
  • labor -Population Grew
  • Capital -Supply of money to invest.
  • Entrepreneurship- New business opportunityes

Textile Industry

  • Flying Shuttle- made weaving faster
  • Spinning jenny- produced more thread by james hargreaves.
  • Water Frame- Richard arkwright, water based.
Photo by kev_walsh

Factory Systems.

  • Worked long hours,
  • Dirty, Hot, dangerous, beaten, Fined,
  • Worked for very little money.
  • Children worked whenever.
Photo by Kelly Short6

Living Conditions.

  • Brought more ppl to Cities
  • Homeless, dirty.

Ag Revolution!

  • Jethro Tull Invented seed drill Changed the Game.
  • Crop Rotation- planting different crop year around.
  • Enclosure Movement- fenced in their properties
  • Iron Plow- made plowing more efficent

Improvements in transportation

  • Turnpikes- made driving to ship easier.
  • Railroads-better moving resources and goods..pulls 10 tons and 70 ppl @5 miles
  • Steamboat- made transportation in water much faster and more efficent


  • Factory Act 1802- Improve working conditions in Mills
  • 1833- improve conditions for children.
  • Ten hour Act- Max 10 hour days.