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Industrial revolution

Published on Nov 23, 2015

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Industrial reutivoton

Armani Thomas 
Photo by Bob Jagendorf

Industrial Revolution BEGIN In Britain

  • In 1700 , Small Farms covered England's Landscape 
  • Wealthy Landowners, Buying Up Much The Land Village 
  • The Large Landowners dramatically improved farming methods 
Photo by vgm8383

the agricultural Revolution paves the way

After But Up The Land of village farmers.  

inventions spur industrialization

  • In an explosion of creativity, inventions now revolutionized industry  
  • Speeding Up The First To Be transformed 
  • Cloth Merchants boosted their profits. 
  • Spinner & Weavers Made Up Cloth.
Photo by c_pichler

Why The Industrial Revolution Began In England

  • Water Power and Coal To Fuel The New Machines
  • Iron Ore To Construct Machines , Tools , and Buildings 
  • Rivers For Island Transportation 
  • Harbor For Which Merchant Ships Set Sail.
Photo by eggrole

Rotating Crops

  • The Process Of Crop Rotation Proved To Be One Of The Best Development 
  • One Year , For Example , a farmer might plant a field with wheat  
  • This Might Be followed In turn by barley and then clover  
Photo by CIMMYT

Improvements In transportation

  • Progress in the textile industry spurred industrial Improvements.
  • As early as 1705 , Coal Miners Were Using Steam Powered Pumps . 
  • But This Early Model of a steam engine gobbled great quantities. 
Photo by rishibando

the Railway  Age BEgins

  • steam-driven machinery powered English factories in the 1700s.   
  • A steam engine on wheels the railroad locomotive drove English industry . 
  • In 1804 an English engineer named Richard trevithick won a bet .