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Industrial Revolution

Published on Dec 14, 2015

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Industrial Revolution

It was the transition to a new manufacturing process.

Henry Ford

An american industrialist and the man who created Fords.
Photo by failing_angel

Assembly Line

A manufacturing process used for cars.
Photo by aldenjewell

Steam Engine

A heat engine that uses steam as fuel.
Photo by Peter Glyn

John D Rockefeller

Co-founder of a successful oil company during the Industrial Revolution
Photo by DeaPeaJay

Andrew Carnegie

An american industrialist who led the expansion for American Steel.

Cornelius Vanderbilt

An American Industrialist who made his empire in railroads.
Photo by Thomas Hawk


The most important part of the Industrial Revolution. It allowed trade.
Photo by kevin dooley

Standard Oil

What Rockefeller made to sell his kerosene to people to assure safety.


Steel was one of the most important things in the Revolution.
Photo by hugh llewelyn