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by: Austin Nguyen


Insects are really successful in reproducing. That’s why there are about 10 quintillion insects in the world currently. These insects reproduce to help the nature too. These are the biggest species in the world. In fact, these species lived approximately 385 million years ago.


All insects come in all sizes. Some are small which help them camouflage and make their preys harder to see them when flee from them. Big insects are strong and can attack their prey. For example, grasshoppers are pretty big insects. They can scare off their smaller preys.

Photo by marfis75


Some insects have wings. This adaption allows them to fly to places or either escape from their prey. A fly’s wing can flap about 200 cycles each second. They also have a second pair of wings called halteres, which mainly is for helping the fly balance when flying in the air. A fly can fly at a speed of 5 miles per hour.

Photo by memoreks


Insects have unique sight too. Bees have eyes that help them spot nectar and pollen. Most flowers appear to emit a UV light which helps them locate nectar and pollen. They see it because of their adaptations and evolutions. A bees vision can be violet, green, and blue.

Photo by earl258


In our unit during the Madagascar hissing cockroaches, a unique feature I discovered is that they use their antennas to sense nearby things like food. They also have the really strong grip on their feet and has a shell that allows cockroaches to deflect the water of themselves.

Photo by Muffet


Another insect I learned about are mosquitos. They are critical of being successful because of their adaptations. Although they look simple when they suck your blood, they have many mechanisms that look a lot more complex. I learned that first, they spit on your skin to make it so you can’t feel anything. They then use their proboscis to suck your blood. It can suck your blood without noticing but when the time your skin itches, the mosquito already has fried away. They are also so successful at reproducing as a female can produce hundreds of eggs.