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Inside Reading

Published on Apr 21, 2016

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Reading - 2 goals

2 key concepts for successful reading
Photo by whisperwolf

Skimming vs. Scanning

similar process, but different purpose


  • Moving eyes quickly over the text
  • Trying to get main ideas, and a general overview of the content

Steps in skimming

  • Read the TITLE - short summary of content
  • Read 1st sentence of each paragraph
  • Read last sentence of each paragraph
  • Read subheadings (if there are any)
  • (main idea of most paragraphs appears in 1st sentence)


  • read rapidly to locate a specific fact or information
  • (specific name, date, etc.)
  • not necessary to read the entire text
Photo by jakebouma

Steps in scanning

  • Always keep in mind what you are searching for
  • Anticipate what form the info. is likely to appear (numbers, names, etc.)
  • Scan several lines of print at a time
  • When you find it, read entire sentence
  • You must skip over large sections of text without actually "reading" or understanding everything


  • Skimming/Scanning are for speed reading
  • They have different purposes
  • They are not to be used all the time
  • The point is to get information quickly without wasting time