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Insider's Guide to American Schools (Webinar)

Published on Nov 18, 2015

At home or abroad, choosing the right school is always an important decision. In the United States, you want to be able to make the right school choice for your family. The American school system has many options, so we want to help you make the best informed decision possible.


Insider's Guide

to American Schools
Photo by cproppe

making foreign feel familiar

GLobiana Webinar Series

With lisa la Valle-finan

Context is key

to understanding "where you are"
Photo by netzanette

Child-centered school system

Photo by John-Morgan

Types of schools

Photo by RichGrundy

Lots of choices

  • Public
  • Alternative
  • Private
  • Parochial
  • Charter

The quality can vary

The quality of American schools can vary widely, depending on State, local & national property values—because that's how they are funded.

Good neighborhood
=Good schools

Photo by La Citta Vita

School System is K-12

The American Public School System is "K-12" (Kindergarten through 12th grade, the last year of compulsory school)

For the elite

Photo by kahunapulej

The first American schools were for wealthy families

The first American schools were established for wealthy families who could afford to send their children to school

One-room school houses

Photo by black vanilla

Eventually, for all

Photo by theirhistory

Now education is compulsory

The modern system delivers equality to all American citizens and education is compulsory for all American children
Photo by superkimbo

Common Core

Photo by mrsdkrebs

A mile wide and an inch deep

From "a mile wide and an inch deep" to deeper with fewer topics, and with greater detail

Evidence based

Speaking and listening


Technology and devices are tools for learning, not just for fun and games
Knowledge is simultaneously collaborated, published, and shared electronically
Classrooms use iPads, Online widgets, Google Docs, etc.
Photo by mortsan

Life skills

Communicate effectively and and use critical thinking
Understand cause and effect
Transfer knowledge from one subject area to another throughout their education day




Students may actively participate via Today's Meet, Socrative, Padlet, Twitter
Stream of students thoughts, comments, questions and ideas will appear on the Smartscreen for the benefit of all
Students access it while class goes on
Photo by david.orban


Homework and projects submitted online via Dropbox, GAFE, or Schoolology
No printing, no depositing to class inbox, no work in backpacks
Work completed immediately and shared with stakeholders


Photo by delphwynd


Classes available online through YouTube or Google Hangouts both in real time and archived
If students miss a class, they go to online class and catch up, or they will be conducted online live
Photo by USDAgov


KEYBOARDING will be taught and reinforced in all classes, like grammar or school dress
Keyboarding will be a cross-class academic tool that is important everywhere
Parents reinforce when students are at home


Each class has a web site, wiki, Google Classroom—some sort of digital classroom, fully connected by social media
Students are able to share their screens with others via Skype, Google Hangouts



American schools give high priority to sports, clubs and activities
Extracurricular activities are outside school hours but supervised by the school
Extracurriculars can extend to large amounts of time outside the normal school day
Photo by familymwr

Social events

American schools plan and organize activities like pep rallies, formal dances like Homecoming
Prom spending in America averages $1,125, with parents and children sharing the expenses
Photo by CliffMuller

Parent involvement

Photo by Black_Claw


Photo by jbcurio


Lockdown is a school's response to an external threat
Students, teachers, and faculty are confined to their rooms if there is a perceived or real threat
It's common to rehearse lock down drills so students become familiar with how to react

Silicon Valley

Photo by PeterThoeny

Look closely at neighborhoods

Photo by thinkpanama

Parents do fundraising

Proof of residency

Preparation is key

Photo by TangoPango

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