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This Haiku Deck presentation template for a personal profile was created using the Volterra theme, image filters on.

More about Haiku Deck themes: http://blog.haikudeck.com/presentation-templates-with-pizzazz/

See examples of "About Me" Haiku Decks here: http://www.pinterest.com/haikudeck/about-me-haiku-decks/
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Published on Nov 18, 2015

Simple, beautiful, flexible professional profile template. Ideas: Add to your LinkedIn and Google+ pages, embed in a website or blog, email to potential employers.



Por Adriano Camino (adriano@nortech.com.br / 021-981009050)
This Haiku Deck presentation template for a personal profile was created using the Volterra theme, image filters on.

More about Haiku Deck themes: http://blog.haikudeck.com/presentation-templates-with-pizzazz/

See examples of "About Me" Haiku Decks here: http://www.pinterest.com/haikudeck/about-me-haiku-decks/

Versatrax 150

  • Veículo p/ qualquer terreno
  • Alcance entre 500m e 1000m
  • Linhas de 300mm e maiores
  • Submersível até 60m
  • Controle total da câmera
  • Totalmente modular/ peças disponíveis para reparo


  • Deteção de derivações clandestinas
  • Verificação da integridade do duto
  • Inspeção de obras recebidas
  • Identificação e mapeamento de PVs
  • Mapeamento de redes em 3D
  • Localização de vazamentos

Vídeo #1
Verficação da integridade da tubulação

You can change the order of these slides, or add more that follow a similar format, to suit your need or mood, but it might be helpful to showcase your current role, summarizing your primary responsibilities and how long you've been part of the team.

You could include a photo of yourself in your work setting, or you could think more metaphorically to illustrate your work.

Helpful tips for finding powerful images here:

Untitled Slide

Vídeo #2
Localização de derivação clandestina

You can change the order of these slides, or add more that follow a similar format, to suit your need or mood, but it might be helpful to showcase your current role, summarizing your primary responsibilities and how long you've been part of the team.

You could include a photo of yourself in your work setting, or you could think more metaphorically to illustrate your work.

Helpful tips for finding powerful images here:

Vídeo #3
Detecção de ligação clandesestina de esgoto em rede pluvial

You can change the order of these slides, or add more that follow a similar format, to suit your need or mood, but it might be helpful to showcase your current role, summarizing your primary responsibilities and how long you've been part of the team.

You could include a photo of yourself in your work setting, or you could think more metaphorically to illustrate your work.

Helpful tips for finding powerful images here:

Untitled Slide


e-mail: adriano@nortech.com.br / Cel/WhatsApp: 021-981009050