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Hi I'm Mark Foglia and the topic for my TED talk is Inspiration. Now, inspiration is a broad topic and I want to narrow that down to why are people motivated, what are the key motivators, and from where does this inspiration come from. Then I will send the message to my audience that they need to be inspired and find that motivator. This picture was picked because these soldiers are clearly inspired. They are enduring intense workouts all for what? To fight for their country. Now this picture is good because the soldiers all have a passion, reason, and intuition to be there.

Picture by Chris Hagerman the Navy Seal. Made available for use under navyseals.com
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Published on Nov 20, 2015

Mark Foglia



Mark Foglia
Hi I'm Mark Foglia and the topic for my TED talk is Inspiration. Now, inspiration is a broad topic and I want to narrow that down to why are people motivated, what are the key motivators, and from where does this inspiration come from. Then I will send the message to my audience that they need to be inspired and find that motivator. This picture was picked because these soldiers are clearly inspired. They are enduring intense workouts all for what? To fight for their country. Now this picture is good because the soldiers all have a passion, reason, and intuition to be there.

Picture by Chris Hagerman the Navy Seal. Made available for use under navyseals.com




You're probably thinking what's the point of that but there is a point! Flamenco dance is a very traditional and spiritual dance in Spain and the Andalusian religion that includes singing, dancing, guitar playing, and clapping. In relation to inspiration, this picture shows one of the keys to inspiration: love. In a study that I read, love was the second key to inspiration. The two women in this picture are clearly passionate about their dance, I mean look at her. They are passionate about the dance because it means something to them. They are pouring love into the dance and are enjoying what they are doing. That love and passion is what inspires these women to do the dance and is there inspiration.

Flamenco Dance by LaPetra. Found on Haiku Deck made available by creative commons.
Photo by gwilmore


On a different note, success also can be a key role for inspiration. In my research, I have found that the idea for success is a huge motivator. Every individual person has their own personal reasons to be inspired but in the end, most of those people are looking for some type of success in the long run. When success comes, satisfaction is what you feel. Satisfaction is fulfillment of one's wishes, expectations, or needs, or the pleasure derived from this. Most often it comes from reaching a goal that you set for yourself. In regards to inspiration, the satisfaction from success in the end is is what motivates most people such as the business people shown above.
Coworkers congratulating each other by Jon Feingersh. Available for educational use only under Britannica Image Quest

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I find this quote by Gisele to be every intriguing. The reason that I find it interesting is because the fourth key to inspiration was to follow your intuition. Coincidentally, Gisele is saying the first reaction that you would have or you the same thing! Your intuition is like your gut instinct, not your conscious instinct. It's like that voice in your head that tells you to go for it. When Gisele says that you become more empowered, stronger, and happier after trusting your intuition, that's a large statement. It also is a true statement because that intuition is your natural passion. It's what you should be doing with your life and when you trust and explore it, there's a whole another world to find. Your intuition can be your biggest inspiration.

Gisele Bundchen on intuition by the Intuition Journal. All rights reserved


Failure is okay. Failure is actually in my opinion, a great motivator. When you fail and you know it, there's nothing to do but to fix it and redeem yourself. I guess the other option is to quit but that shouldn't be an option. What failure should do for you is bring you to reality and show you that you need to make a change. This is the case for many people. Lots of times, someone fails at something that they wanted or had an opportunity at and later on that person ends up succeeding at that thing. Failure is a good thing as long as you learn from it.

Sad Person by Adedip found on Haiku Deck. Made available for use by creative commons.
Photo by adedip

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And in tLKIng about failure that leas kme to ttalking about my inspiration. When Desj introduced this project to us i had np idea waht i would talk about and i struggled to find a topic. I eventually picked the topic " why has lacrosse become so popular?" and i found in my research that it was nothing but a dead end and i had to change it. Again, i didnt know what to change it to but i did notice thhat when i would try to research lacrosse facts i found myself watching lax pump up videos or motivational speeches and i soon figured, im gonna talk about inspiration since i cant seem to get my mind off of it!

Inspire by Sir Nir Tober. Found on Haiku Deck and made available by creative commons.
Photo by Nir Tober

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